Chapter 72

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"Wake up baby cakes it's moving day," Nate says cheerfully, setting down a cup of coffee for me on the night stand.

"Ugh just a few more minutes," I groan, pulling the covers up to my face. "And never call me that again."

Nate let's out a chuckle, "c'mon, everyone is going to be here soon."

After taking a few minutes to fully wake up, I get up and look at my few options of clothing since most of it is packed away. I decide on a pair of running shorts and a Jack and Jack shirt.

I brush my teeth, then put my hair up in a ponytail. I then put on some concealer, powder, and mascara so I don't look dead.

"Jack and Kate are on there way with the moving truck," Nate says, wrapping his arms around me, and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Okay great, are all the boxes downstairs?" I ask.

"Yup," Nate states, matter of factly. "And the cable and Internet guys were over this morning to get everything set up."

"You're the best," I smile, turning around to press a kiss to his lips.

As much as I am excited to get out of this small apartment, moving day is always so stressful and I just can't wait til we are fully moved in.

"Stop making out, we have moving to do!" Sam yells, clapping his hands together.

"You're just jealous you don't have a hot wife to make out with," Nate says, sticking his tongue out like a child.

I laugh, as I gather a few last minute things that I'm just throwing into a bag to bring with. Soon after, Jack and Kate show up with the U-haul.

"This is so exciting," Kate squeals, and I laugh.

"I know, like Nate and I bought a freaking house together," I laugh lightly.

Jack, Nate, John, and Sam get all the furniture into the truck, having to take apart some of it. After that's done, we pile all the boxes in, and the apartment is soon empty.

"I'm going to miss this place," Nate says, as Nate and I take one last look around, making sure we got everything and saying our goodbyes.

"I know, it holds lots of memories," I say. "Ready to go?"

Nate leans down and gives me a quick kiss, " yup." He smiles.

We head outside, and first stop at the office to hand off the key. Jack drives the moving truck, and Nate and I get into our cars and start heading to the new house.

"Let's get unpacking, shall we?" I say, closing the door to my car.

The boys begin unloading all the furniture, Kate and I basically watching and taking about decoration ideas, knowing we're too weak to carry the heavy furniture.


"Is that the last of it?" Nate asks, as I set down a box, labeled: kitchen supplies.

"Yup I think it is," I nod, looking around at the crazy amount of unpacked boxes.

"Ugh, I'm exhausted." Nate says, dramatically falling down onto our new sectional.

"Well you better drink some coffee boy, we've got a lot of unpacking to do," I say, as Nate groans.

We start on the master bedroom, unpacking all of our clothes into our closets, and decorating with the same decorations I used at the apartment.

After many hours of unpacking, we had a decent amount done. There's still lots of decorating and shopping to do, but we got all the necessities unpacked.

"We should probably go shopping, we currently have no food," I chuckle, as Nate and I lay down on the couch, exhausted from all the moving.

Once I successfully get Nate to get up, we get in Nate's car and head to target. We get in and grab a cart, heading straight to the food section.

"Ooh can we get these?" Nate asks, picking up a box of Scooby Doo Fruit Snacks.

"You're actually five," I laugh.

"Hey, they're the best fruit snacks!" Nate defends himself, throwing the box into the cart.

200 dollars spent on food later, we had plenty of food for at least a few weeks, most stuff that we didn't need but Nate and I couldn't resist buying, like cookie dough and frozen pizzas.

"What do you want for dinner babe?" I ask, as I  finish putting away groceries, and Nate sets up his Play Station.

"I don't care," He mumbles, concentrating on how to hook up the game console.

Knowing that Nate wouldn't be a help, I decide on making pasta since it's fast and sounds pretty good. I start boiling water and heating up the sauce.

"Wifey material," Nate says, wrapping his arms around me from behind as I stir the noodles.

I let out a laugh, as I continue cooking the food, Nate placing kisses on my neck and face the whole time.

"Here, eat up and control your hormones," I laugh, setting two plates of food on the table.

We east our dinner as Nate talks about his mixtape that's coming out, and I can already tell this is going to be a good one.

"Thanks for dinner lil mama," Nate smiles, pecking my lips. "I've got the dishes, you go relax."

I head upstairs to our bedroom, and get in one of Nate's shirts to sleep in. I take off my makeup and brush my teeth, before sliding into bed.

Nate walks in soon after, removing his tshirt and basketball shorts, leaving him in his boxers.

"I could never get tired of this view," I say, slapping Nate's butt as he gets into bed, causing him to laugh.

"And I could never get tired of this one," Nate smirks, hovering over me and running his hands up my thighs.

His tough causes small goose bumps to form on my skin. I slowly lean in, Nate meeting me half way and connecting our lips, as they move in sync. This is going to be quite a fun night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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