Chapter 70

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I wake up around 12:00 from a text from Kate saying that she's on her way with Starbucks. My favorite wake up call. I notice Nate's not in bed, meaning he probably went to the studio with Jack to finish up the song.

"Hey I'm here and you need to learn how to lock your door," I hear Kate yell from downstairs.

I let out a laugh, sliding out of bed and heading downstairs, where I see Kate with two Starbucks drinks.

"Perfect, now that you're here you can help me with packing," I smirk, grabbing the coffee from her.

"Okay this is not what I signed up for when coming here," Kate laughs, as I pull the big pile of moving boxes out of the closet.

"We better get started, we're moving in tomorrow!" I say, snapping my fingers.

Kate let's out a groan, but starts helping me pack right away. I play some music from my phone, and start packing and labeling boxes.

After a few hours, we have most of the random things around the downstairs packed up, such as decor items.

"This is my workout for the week," Kate says, taking a chug of her water.

"Same," I laugh, as I label the box full of all my candles.

Once deciding that everything left downstairs is just furniture or things we don't want to pack away, we move onto the upstairs. Aka, the hardest part since it's full of all my shit.

We start with the guest bedroom and guest bathroom, which goes pretty quickly being that there's not much in there.


After what felt like hours of packing, we were close to being done. We decided to call it a day since Nate asked me to meet him at the house.

"Thanks for all the help today Kate, I couldn't have done it without you," I smile, pulling her in for a hug.

"Of course, anytime," She smiles.

Once Kate leaves the apartment, I head back upstairs. I look at my reflection in the mirror, goodness I look like shit. I really don't feel like messing with getting ready, so I decide to stay how I am.

My hair is up in a very messy bun, I have no makeup on my sweaty face. I only have a sports bra and workout leggings on. I'm lucky Nate loves me for my personality too, because I currently don't have much going for me looks wise.

I get inside my car, and text Nate that I'm on my way before heading to the house. After making the short drive, I pull up to the house and unlock the front door.

"Nate, babe?" I call out, my voice echoing since the house is so empty.

"In the living room," Nate calls out.

I walk to the living room, where I find a bunch of blankets and pillows laid down, along with some food for dinner and champagne. It was all very romantic, with candles lit and some music playing in the background.

"What is this for?" I ask in awe. Nate really is quite the romantic. "I obviously wasn't prepared," I chuckle, motioning towards my outfit.

"I think you look beautiful," Nate smiles, grabbing my hand and leading me to the blankets where we take a seat next to each other. "I just wanted to celebrate this big step in our life."

"Aw baby I love you," I smile, connecting our lips. "I really am the luckiest girl around."

"I love you too, lil mama," Nate grins. "Let's eat, yeah?"

"Ooh Chinese takeout, very romantic," I joke, as Nate puts some food on a plate for me.

"I didn't really want to burn the house down, I mean we just bought it and all," Nate says, and I laugh.

Nate pours us each a glass of champagne, and I make a toast to 'new beginnings'. We start digging into the delicious Chinese food, and just talking and laughing about random things.

"So Kate helped me get most of the packing done today," I say.

"Great, one less thing I have to do," Nate jokes, and I playfully slap him on the arm. "Ow."

"I can't believe we're moving in tomorrow," I say.

"I know, we can finally get out of the hot ass apartment," Nate says, making us each laugh.

I love these times with Nate, where it's just the two of us, talking and laughing together. It's definitely the times I cherish most.

After we finish our food, we lay down on the surprisingly comfortable makeshift bed of blankets. My head lays on Nate's chest as he plays with my hair.

"You really can't expect me not to get turned on  when you walk in here in tight ass pants and a sports bra," Nate says and I laugh.

"Is somebody a little horny?" I giggle, turning myself over so I'm straddling Nate.

Nate let's out a groan and nod, and I immediately connect our lips.


"You never fail to amaze me, baby," Nate breathes out, as he traces random patterns into my side.

"I could say the same to you," I smile, as I run my hands through his long hair.

"Do you just wanna sleep here tonight?" Nate asks with a chuckle.

"That sounds a lot more appealing then driving home right now," I laugh.

I cuddle into Nate's chest, and we each quickly fall asleep.

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