Bonus ~ Alternate Outcome

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             The sirens become louder as I cradle Enzo in my arms, praying for the ambulance to get here in time. His pulse is low, and I can barely feel his breath on my cheek as I rock back and forth, kissing him repeatedly, and telling him I love him. A small crowd of my coworkers has formed, which includes, Gavin, the owner of Penthouse. He's on the phone, yelling at someone to hurry the fuck up and get here already. I'm assuming it's the police. 

"Where is my sister!" 

My brother's familiar voice draws my attention as he pushes through the small crowd. He runs to me and slides onto his knees, his hands searching my body for wounds.

"You're bleeding..." he gasps.

"I'm fine, but Enzo is not," I say through tears.

"You're not fine, Mara!" He lifts my shirt, and there is a sudden sting as his fingertips graze my side. "Fuuuuuck. You were stabbed." 

"I what?" I blink rapidly as if coming out of a haze.

Then, I see it. 

I see the blood oozing through Lucas's fingers as he puts pressure on the wound. Our eyes meet, and his are deadly with fury.

"Who did this?"

"I... I don't know." I shake my head, and everything in my brain swirls, and there's a whoosh of pressure that shoots through my limbs with a tingle. "I couldn't see his face."

"What about his voice?"

I shake my head again.

Lucas skyrockets to his feet and begins rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt. "I'm going after this prick. He couldn't have gotten far."

"No! You'll get hurt."

"The hell I will." Lucas walks up to Gavin and reaches for something on his belt. "I need your gun."

"What?" Gavin pauses from barking orders into his phone, and he grabs my brother's hand. "I don't think so, Bud. I've got Mario on the line. Let the police handle it. They're on their way."

"Fuck, Mario," Lucas huffs, and rips his hand out of Gavin's. "He's a dirty cop, and I don't want him anywhere near my sister."

"Lucas. You're not taking my gun."

"We both know you're not going to actually stop me." Lucas checks the bullets, slaps the clip back into place, and pulls the slide to load the chamber. "I'm going to find who did this."

"Lucas..." Gavin warns, but my brother takes off running down the dark alleyway to hunt for the asshole who attacked Enzo and me.

I should have yelled for him to stop, but my head is like a bowl of soup, and I can't think straight. I barely even feel my fingers as I stroke Enzo's head and repeat, "It's going to be ok. Help is coming."

"Mara..." Enzo stirs.

"Shh, save your energy."

"If I don't make it—"

"Don't say that!"

"If I don't make it," he says again. "I need you to know how much I love you."

"I know. You already told me."

"I did?" He blinks in confusion.

"Yes. At least five times now," I laugh softly with a sniffle.

"And I've meant it every time."

"And you'll mean it just as much when we get you to the hospital and stitched up. Now please, save your energy." I kiss him.

However, when I raise my head, my vision is hazy, so I close my eyes tight and then open them, but things are still fuzzy, and my brain is still like soup. At least now I can see the flashing lights of the ambulance approaching...

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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