I'm sorry guys...!

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Hey my lovely readers!

First off, I owe you all a HUGE apology for the late updates. It’s not that I’ve been ignoring you all (I could never!), but life decided to throw a few plot twists of its own my way. Just as I was celebrating the end of exams and thinking, “Yes! Back to writing!” — BAM! Family issues swooped in like an unexpected villain, leaving me without my phone and completely MIA.

I know disappearing without a word might have felt like I was leaving you on a cliffhanger — and believe me, I feel the guilt! But hey, the good news is that I’m back and ready to pick up where we left off. Starting now, I'll try my best to update every Monday and Thursday as usual. I know it’s not daily, but I hope it’ll still keep you excited for what’s to come.

Your unwavering support through all this has genuinely moved me. Knowing you’re all still here rooting for me makes all the difference. Thank you for being patient, for understanding, and for all the love.

Alright, enough of my rambles — first thing in the morning, I’ll be back with a fresh update!

With love,

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