Old Friend

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    Four years would pass, Natsuki was under Akutagawa's command passionately

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    Four years would pass, Natsuki was under Akutagawa's command passionately. She did everything he asked without fail, and he never once tortured her. He watched her in the basement that night, and she got it far worse than he ever did. She got more than her fair share already.

   Natsuki never once took him for granted. She would cherish this opportunity, and thankfully die for him in battle. His life was above hers.

Currently, she was walking down a dark hallway with Akutagawa, as Higuchi waited for them, her back against the concrete as she spoke.

"The weretiger has been located." Higuchi told him, as he said nothing. He continued walking, her form slowly joining him at his other side.

The next day, the duo walked into the police station. A bag in Akutagawa's hand, all apart of the facade.

"I found this bag on the ground. I think someone lost it." He said lowly.

"Ah, thank you very much for bringing it in. If you could just fill out this lost and found form..." one of the men behind the desk spoke as they approached.

"Wait a minute.... I've seen you before." The second man said as Akutagawa set the bag down on the counter.

"Impressive. You've found me out already." Akutagawa mused.

"Wait! Isn't he the wanted fugitive?!" The men scrambled backwards terrified. They pulled their guns on him making Natsuki clench her fists, the shadows ready to defend her leader. "Don't move!"

"The military police of this city are such a distinguished force. Nat, allow me this thrill alone." Akutagawa spoke, and called his cloaks tentacles to rip them men apart. Natsuki watched expressionless as they screamed and thrashed, until they were nothing but corpses. Blood was painted everywhere, littering the place. "Come, I forget how long I set the timer for." Akutagawa ordered, and she followed him out of the building.

He coughed slightly, making her concerned for his health. It was a normal occurrence, but now she cared deeply. He never told her the cause, but she was sure she could cure it for him. She'd just have to work on it in her free time.

The explosion boomed as they walked down the sidewalk, the hot wind blowing their hair and clothes around as Akutagawa pulled out his phone.

"It's done...next?" He spoke lowly, she assumed it was Mori on the other end.

They walked for a bit longer until his cloak grabbed her wrist.

"What is it?" She asked looking around for danger.

"I'm famished. We're going in here to eat." Akutagawa said simply. She fought a deadpan, following him inside the cafe.

Since her pledge to Akutagawa, Natsuki grew a personality of her own. He wanted her to be a normal human being instead of a robot around himself and others, it made him more comfortable with her presence. She looked at people, and spoke to them casually, instead of ignoring and averting her gaze. She was a new person entirely with her new leadership. She found she enjoyed her life more, now that she was under a change of authority.

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