Chapter 1: Ellen

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    Two years have passed without any contact of Harry or his band mates. Personally, I liked it that way. Though I took a long break away from my career because of it, I'm back as a new beginning. To restart everything clean and fresh without any drama or fake rumors.

    “Ms. Evans, they're ready for you,” The manager announces. I rise up from the waiting area and head to the stage. A whole rush of anxiety and nerves rack through my body as a hundred pair of eyes are focused on me. My eyes scan through the whole crowd as a slight smile is plastered on my face.

    Ellen DeGeneres gives me a slight hug and warming smile, “It's great to have you back in action, Rosie! So, why don't we take a seat and go through memory lane?” We both take our seats as she motions her hands over to the big screen behind us.

    The screen starts showing a video of my first appearance on her show. I remember feeling nervous and hands uncontrollably shaking throughout the whole interview. Luckily, I survived it smoothly. Her first question whatsoever in that interview was that weather I had a boyfriend or not. I shook my head, smiling like a fool. Her exact words were, “And Harry Styles? Heard you two have been spending a lot of time together,” That's when I realized I started liking him more than a friend. Just looking back at that interview gives me shivers up the spine.

    The video stops playing as Ellen shifts in her seat, giggling. “You were so adorable and shy then. I have a couple questions for you on this note card. It could be a bit personal, but I'm sure your over with him by now right, Rosie?” My eyes scan through the crowd. I meet everyone's eye contact, smiling confidently. I promised myself I wasn't going to show any emotional tears or break downs. Nodding my head to her question, she shuffles her note cards in her hands.

    Her blue eyes go back and forth reading through the question. She clears her throat, and glances up at me. “Do you still miss him? Harry Styles.” My fingers fiddle around with each other.

    Yes, yes I do miss him. Sometimes he randomly enters through my mind making me zone off.

    I shake my head, “No, I don't really miss him. He left me without any explanation, so why should I?” I reply. Everyone's face breaks down as they feel sorry for that poor guy.

    “Explain to me how you felt when he broke it off with you. Did you feel normal? Sad? Surprised? Explain.” I inhale a deep breath as my first interview with Ellen and the mention of Harry Styles zoning off in my head. Harry has this charm on him that makes everyone fall in love with his spell. Once you fall for it, it never goes away. It stays there forever.

    My lips curve up to a slight smile. As hard as I am trying to fight the tears and pain that is starting to kick in, I know for sure I'm failing. “To be honest, I felt like the whole world was ending with me in it. Mascara stains were dripping down my cheeks and it was terrifying. Though, he didn't really tell me the reason why. Didn't even say the most often used cliché words, it’s not you, and it’s me. He just suddenly burst out and told me he wanted to take a break. That's how I felt,” I shrug my shoulders as my eye gaze falls to the floor.

    Ellen's face melts up, “I'd have to admit, Rosie. You and Harry were the best and cutest couple. Young celebrities in love. I truly hope the both of you will get together again. Everyone is heartbroken about this Rosie. I know this might be painful for you. One last question and we're tying this up. Do you still love him?”

    I close my eyes imaging myself in his arms. The warmth of his chest I would use as a pillow. The lazy and amusing Sunday's we would have every weekend. It was our tradition. To get away from stress and depression, we would just be laying together on the couch snuggled and watching sad movies all day. Of course I still love him. I'm still wrapped up in his spell.

    I look straight up in Ellen's eyes and lie, “No, I don't love him. Not anymore,” I reply. Ellen nods her head. The whole studio is silent for some reason.

    Ellen smiles, “Thanks for coming here today, Rosie. How about next time you come here we play one of our games? Give it up for Rosie Evans!” I give her a firm handshake and wave to the crowd a goodbye. The crowd cheers. They role the cameras for commercial break. I rise up my seat and greet Ellen goodbye.

    “Wait! Rosie, I want you to take this CD and watch it. I was supposed to play this for you live, but I didn't want to for safety reasons. Again, I'm really happy you came here. See you next time?” Ellen passes the CD case to my hands. I take it and smile.

    “Thanks. I'll be sure to watch it when I get home.” Ellen nods and rushes over to her dressing room for the next guest. On the other hand, as I open the doors to exit the studio, a whole rough breeze blows against my face. I see a small strip of paper fly out of my bag, and out with the wind. I furrow my eyebrows together deciding if I should run after it, or just let it fly wherever it will land. Considering the fact that the paparazzi's will follow me, I let the small strip of paper fly. I grab a cab back home and play the CD Ellen gave me. 

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