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The day had finally arrived, the day you and Chaeyoung would become wife and wife.

It was a small ceremony, intimate and private, with only close family and a few people from your respective agencies present.

Despite the limited number of guests, the weight of the occasion hung heavy in your chest, your nerves building as the moment approached.

You hadn't seen Chaeyoung for two days, and the anticipation made you more anxious with every passing second.

Standing at the altar, your hands were clasped tightly together as you tried to steady yourself.

The soft murmur of voices in the room faded as you heard the gentle rustle of fabric, the sound of her dress as she entered the hall.

Your heart stopped for a brief moment, and then everything disappeared except for her.

Chaeyoung was radiant, her white dress flowing gracefully as she walked down the aisle.

The intricate lace detailing and the way the dress seemed to float around her made her look ethereal, almost unreal.

Her hair, lightly curled and pinned up, left a few strands cascading down her face, framing it perfectly.

She looked every bit like a dream.

Your eyes softened, and you couldn't stop your fingers from intertwining even tighter, your nervousness taking over.

When she finally stood in front of you, her presence seemed to calm your racing heart. You caught her eye and mouthed a small, "You're beautiful."

She blushed, her own eyes misting with emotion as she whispered back, "So are you."

The faintest smile tugged at her lips, and in that moment, it was just the two of you.

Everything else, your nerves, the guests, the world, seemed to fade away.

The ceremony itself was perfect.

The vows were exchanged with trembling hands and tearful smiles, but the sincerity behind every word was unmistakable.

By the time it was over, you were both exhausted but blissfully happy. You had done it. You were married.

When you finally got home, the weight of the day settled in, and you both let out deep, tired breaths.

But it didn't take long before you and Chaeyoung were pulling each other close, laughing as your elegant clothes quickly became an afterthought.

The exhaustion of the day was momentarily forgotten as you kissed, your love for each other palpable and raw.

Just then, Chaeyoung's phone rang, interrupting the moment.

She groaned in frustration, leaning her head against your shoulder before pulling away to check the call.

It was her manager.

"Hello?" she answered, slightly breathless from the excitement of the last few minutes.

Her eyes widened as her manager spoke, and her expression quickly shifted from curiosity to disbelief.

"Wait, really?!" she exclaimed, looking at you with astonishment.

You tilted your head, silently asking her what was going on.

She covered the phone with her hand and whispered, "The movie... the one I just finished filming? It's a hit! And I'm nominated again... for Actor of the Year."

A STAR ON SET (SON CHAEYOUNG X F READER)Where stories live. Discover now