Chapter 11

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It took Hound roughly three hours to repair Ratchet's body enough that he would be able to function. Ratchet was very relieved that he had been able to do it, even if it took Hound longer to fix him than he would have liked. But that was partly due to Ratchet snapping at Hound if he believed that the large bot was doing something incorrectly, which would irritate Hound and he would deliberately move slow just to piss off Ratchet, to the point Optimus had to step in and order Hound to work on Ratchet properly and to ignore Ratchet's complaints so that he could be repaired.

Once Ratchet had been repaired, it was already late morning, which meant now they won't find Saphira until the afternoon. But that should still be okay. Ratchet was already thinking on what could be ailing Saphira at this time, but he knew he won't be able to make a proper diagnosis until they find Saphira and Barricade. So he could only speculate. He was definitely leaning towards flu and pneumonia though, as to him, it made the most sense due to what Optimus was sensing from Saphira. And all three humans knew that they would have to remain away from the girl until she was well.

When they got back onto the road to proceed to the state, the eagerness to even get there was high. Especially as the autobots have all said that Cemetery Wind have successfully prevented them from entry many times. But they were lucky that they weren't on a main road, so they should be able to bypass them and enter the state without any issue. But there was also the chance of Cemetery Wind being too busy dealing with Lockdown, so it seemed that this was simply a small window of luck and chance that they had been able to get to Wyoming. And leaving during the very early hours of the morning was a good idea by Cade.

As they entered the state, the weather turned very quickly. Snow was sticking to the ground and trees, and the autobots were vigilant about any icy patches on the road. They could drive over ice without slipping as easily as regular cars and trucks do, but they still had to be careful, as none of them wanted to lose control and hit the trees on the side of the road. It would be a nuisance and a waste of more time. But they did notice that the wind was blowing a lot and snow was falling the further they drove into the state.

"I am starting to understand the reason better as to why Barricade and Saphira came to this state," Optimus commented as they drove along the road. They have had to slow down a couple times as bears, elk and a few wolves have crossed their paths a couple times, and there has been a rumble of thunder from above, which suggested this was a light snowstorm. "If this kind of weather is considered calm, then I do not want to know what the worst looks like."

Cade smiled as he was staring out of the window with wondering what the temperature would feel like outside. "It can get pretty wild here. It is partly the reason why people don't live here, and there are only a few months out of the year where it is even calm enough for the sun to out a lot. But this place can be very beautiful too."

"I can see that. Saphira has always been drawn towards natural beauty. It is partly the reason why when I found that emerald field by accident, she fell in love with it. Not because of the gems, but...the location itself was beautiful." Tess smiled as listening to Optimus speak about how he treated Saphira in the past was lovely to her, and she hoped Shane would take some points from him. "Even after she inherited the wealth from her grandfather, she loved that farmhouse more than all the other properties she now owns. It is because it a house situated among nature, and while it does not hold all the luxuries in the world, she did not care."

"She sounds to be a very humble person. Even if she is now wealthy." Cade wondered if she has changed much from that, as he knew three years was a long time. So that would be interesting. "Was she like that when you first met her?"

"No, she was not. In fact, she was a very different person when we first met. Saphira was just going through life trying to find her feet at the time. As her parents had been emotionally unavailable, she found an unhealthy outlet and a dangerous way to make money at the time." At first, Cade was thinking something like a prostitute, and that made him frown slightly in concern. That was, until Optimus spoke more on Saphira. "When Saphira was fourteen, she found an underground community of racers." Shane raised an eyebrow immediately as he was aware of those. "Saphira had begun driving and racing from that time, and she ended up earning a lot of money and owned a few cars by the time we met her. She was...devoid of a lot of emotions at the time too. I think that was due to the fact she tried to mask her feelings because of her parents."

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