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I return her gaze with a gentle stare

My fingers glide across the glass between us

Only a thin layer of glass between my world and hers

Her pain and mine

I look into her eyes, and search them with mine

The light in them is dim from sorrow

They tell a desperate story of loss and love in a single glance,

But there is also a glimmer of hope,

Like a star in the darkest of nights

Her red stained cheeks are a ghost of tear's past

A waterway for the utmost sorrow to trickle down her face

She is a friend

A gentle companion in the space before me

For she understands my emotion.

She weeps when I weep

The same smile lights up our faces in moments of true joy.

She is in distress when I am in mine.

When I look into her eyes

and they look back at mine,

I no longer feel alone.

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