Sparks in a Sky of Black

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Enigmatic people

Such beautiful feelings that erupt from our masked souls

We hide our intricate feelings behind society's judgement

Scared that we might reveal the unique fire in our bellies that makes us tick

So that people won't put it out

The amount of feelings that can erupt from one's soul is incredible

Like a flower that blooms in the shadows, vibrant and wonderful

Swirled and complex like the finest marble

My dark hair that fell down to my lower frame

With stars in my eyes

Innocent and alive with feelings

My hand brushes another

And colors began to explode

Ripping through my bloodstream

My soul choked to life that day

My fire burned brighter

The clockwork inside me spun and ticked

I was alive

My inner fire, spitting wild sparks into a sky of black

The very passion of my soul awakened

Abundant ecstasy that made my heart dance

It burned glowing reds and orange

Warming my belly

and my very livelihood

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