Glass People

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Are we not just fragile glass people

Wandering around in a world full

Of hard destructive and vicious things ?

Trying to crack us

To shatter our very beings

So that our broken pieces may be sharp

Our broken lives like razor blades that tear down the other delicate lives around us?

To weaken the very seams of every strong person there ever was

With an amalgamation of hatred and despair.

But yes, there is that select few,

Who are daily survivors.

Sure they've been tossed around and shattered

(Because everyone breaks, darling.)

They've been tossed around in a violent sea of worldly fury

Slanderous remarks and malicious comments that seem to wear them down.

But though the glass was worn down by the wind and grainy sea and the salty waves,

It still chose to be beautiful.

All the hard, sharp edges that harm,

Were worn down into a smooth edge, that made it able to touch, to hold without laceration.

Because you see love,

Sometimes, you fall, you shatter,

You cry.

But darling, the day you chose to see beauty through the pain you're in.

The entire world around you will change.

Because the brokenness will become
absolutely beautiful.

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