Chapter 4: The Coronation

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Hiiii Guys!!! Here's Chapter 4!
Aqua P.O.V.
I woke up the next day and my hair was a mess. I tried my best to fix it but strands of hair still kept standing. A maid came in and helped.
Maid: Having a bad hair day?
Me: *sigh* Yup. And the worst day possible!
The maid laughed while I smiled.
Maid: Don't worry. We'll get that fixed up for you, dear. I was thinking maybe we could curl the ends of your hair and clip a piece back with your hair pin.
Me: Hey, I like it! Thanks!
Maid: No problem, dear. Just slip your dress on and we'll get started.
I put my dress on eagerly so I could have my hair done as soon as possible. I was dying to see how I would look today as "princess of Esramo."

~With the Strawhats~
~Everyone is ready with their outfits~
Nami: Luffy, stop moving! I can't do your tie right if you keep budging!
Luffy: I can't help it! It tickles!
Sanji: ~Ahhhhh, Nami-san, Robin-chan! You both look beautiful todayyyy!~
Robin: Arigatou, Cook-san. Navigator-san, when do we have to be at the celebration hall for the coronation?
Nami: *finishing Luffy's tie* Actually, we have to be there in 10 minutes. Let's go before we run late!
Everyone: Right!

~With Aqua~
I finished cleaning up and the maids finished fixing my hair.
My hair was beautifully curled at the ends and my flower pin was clipped on one side of my head. I looked at a full-body mirror of myself and realized I looked like a real princess. I also couldn't wait to see the others in their outfits.

~Time Skip to the Coronation~
Zoro P.O.V.
Woah. I never knew that a coronation would be this big. Almost the whole kingdom came! I saw Aqua and she looked beautiful. I've never seen her dressed up like that before. The others and I were seated at the front since we were "special guests."  Aqua stood next to her sister during the whole coronation. Her sister looked somehow fearful while Aqua smiled her most beautiful smile.

Aqua P.O.V.
At the end of the coronation, Lianna was wearing her tiara and everyone cheered. I was happy that my sister is the new queen of Esramo. The rest of the afternoon, I met and talked with everyone at the party. I was sad that I couldn't be with Zoro and the others but I was the princess of Esramo, so I had to greet everyone there. Then after I met everyone in the whole celebration hall, I made my way to my crew's table. They were all talking and having a good time.

Me: "Konichiwa minna! (Hi everyone)" Everyone greeted me with smiles.
Luffy: Oi Aqua! Where've you been?
Nami: Yeah, we haven't seen you since this morning!
Me: Oh sorry, I had to introduce myself to other people. But now since I'm done, I can be with you guys!
Zoro: Shut up Ero-Cook or you'll scare her away. *winks at me
Sanji: You wanna go marimo!?
Nami: *hits them both on the head* Don't fight here idiots!!

I laughed at the two but something just had to ruin the moment.
Guard: Now presenting the newly appointed queen of Esramo: Queen Lianna Marine!
Guard: And presenting her sister; the princess of Esramo: Princess Aqua Marine!
I walked up to the stage where everyone clapped. I was next to Lianna and she was the only one at the party I haven't talked to yet.

Lianna: Hi...

I heard her say "hi" but I didn't know she was talking to me.

Me: Uh, h-hi me? Oh, um hi!

Lianna: You look beautiful.

Me: Oh, thank you! You look beautifuller! U-um I-I mean beautiful: you look more beautiful.

Lianna: *chuckles lightly* Thank you. Sooooo, this is how a party feels like.

Me: I guess's warmer than I thought!

Lianna: But what is that amazing smell? *she and I sniff the air*

Lianna and me: Mmmmm...~chocolaatteee~

Lianna and I giggled while someone walked up to us.

Nathaniel P.O.V.

I walked up to the two beautiful rulers of Esramo. I could tell something funny happened between the two because they were giggling. I cleared my throat to get their attention.

Me: *ahem* The two girls looked at me.

Lianna: Yes, may I help you?

Me: Your highness, my name is Prince Nathaniel and I would like to say that you and your sister look very lovely tonight. May I have a dance to congratulate you both?

Lianna: Well thank you very much for the offer Nathaniel, but I don't dance. Butttt my sister does!

Me: Oh! Then my lady, would you care to dance?

Aqua: U-Um ok sure!

I held out my hand for her to take. She took it and made our way to the dance floor. She danced gracefully but for some reason I felt that a pair of eyes glared menacingly at me. At the end of the dance, I asked if Aqua wanted to dance with me again.

Aqua: "Oh, I'm sorry. I would love to but I have to make it to my friends. Thanks for the dance, Nathaniel!" She said as she waved and walked away.

Me: (thinking) Grrr..I have to get her to marry me. I'm not getting anywhere near proposing to her.

Zoro P.O.V.
Damn. Why did that guy have to ask MY Aqua to dance with him. Good thing the dance ended because it was my turn to dance with Aqua. I saw her walking towards us with a smile.

Aqua: Guys, I'm really sorry if I only had about 5 minutes with you this entire day. I was called up with Lianna and had to dance with Prince Nathaniel.
Nami: No, it's ok! We understand. Anyway, we were just going to dance!
Nami: Ok,ok. But if you make a mistake, you'll have to pay 1,000 beri for each mistake.

Typical Nami..
Nami and the love cook walked to the dance floor and danced while Chopper and Robin did the same. I wanted to dance with Aqua, but I don't why I feel my heart pounding hard every time I talk to her. Then finally, I walked up to her.

Me: Um, Aqua? Do you want to dance?
Aqua: *closed eye smile* I thought you would never ask!

I held out my hand and she took it. I wrapped my hand around her waist and she put her hand on my shoulder. We danced perfectly and our moves were synced with each other.

Aqua: Wow, Zoro! I never thought you were a really good ballroom dancer!
Me: Uh, I think it's natural. It's too easy.
Aqua: I think you should teach the other guy I danced with. He almost stepped on my foot! Nathaniel's nice and all, but he dances like a bird on skates...

Aqua and I laughed. She never lost her sense of humor. She was always the same girl as before: cheerful, funny, a talented swordsma- I mean swordswoman, and beautiful. Wait, why am I having these thoughts about her? And did I call her beautiful?!


Ooooooh Zoro called Aqua beautiful!!!! How sweet! Chapter 5 coming soon!

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