Chapter 1: The King of the Reaper Squad

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"What is that doing here?" Isrina pointed at the bird-shaped trash buddy.

"What's wrong with it?" Niode buckled Mivangeline and Shien's unconscious bodies on the chairs. "It's Lansen! I brought this adorable little bird as soon as the UICA sponsored your cute invention!"

"Konnichiwa!" Lansen waved his puny wings to Isrina. "Me, Lansen! Hajimemashite!"

"Get that thing out of here!" Isrina demanded.

"Why? He's our trash buddy!"

"Isrina, can Lansen stay? Please?" Tetsuyin, Niode's wife, gave Isrina a sad puppy face.



Isrina didn't want to see the invention that made everyone call her cute, but she couldn't say no to Tetsuyin's sad face. "F-Fine."

"Yay!" Tetsuyin clapped. "We love our trash buddy!"

Isrina groaned.

"Mrs. Niang! Mrs. Niang! You must be my creator!" Lansen waddled his way towards Isrina. "Thank you! Thank you for making me. Arigato, Desert Robin!"

"It's Desert Cardinal! Why did I even bother to make you? Nobody respects me anymore!"

Niode drove the ten-wheeled geococcoid runner shaped like a roadrunner's head across the town.

"Alright, if I'm not mistaken," Niode steered the wheel. "My good neighbor, Rahim, should be here! What the?"

He stopped the runner abruptly, sending Isrina, Tetsuyin, and Lansen flying.

"Niode!" Tetsuyin hugged Mivangeline's body. "What happened?"

"Get off me you stupid trash can!" Isrina kicked Lansen off her leg.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Lansen transformed back into his cylindrical trash can form. "Itai!"

"Niode! What's wrong with you?"

"What's that?" Niode pointed.

Isrina and Tetsuyin walked to the cockpit, spotting a gigantic purple portal opening in front of them.

"Not good," Isrina frowned.

"I can hear something from that purple thing!" Niode listened. "It sounds like clanking metal."

"Niode, turn this runner around, now!"

"But this is the fastest way to Rahim!"

"Just do what I say!"

A large metallic shark head swam out.

"Holy crap!" Niode swerved the runner in a U-turn.

Niode frantically sped the vehicle away from the mechanical object. He then quickly parked behind a corner away from the portal's path. The group gulped, witnessing the shark-shaped warship squirm out of the purple miasma. The mechanized behemoth shone white lights all around the streets.

"What the hell is that?" Niode panicked. "Did that just happen?"

"What was that? What was that?" Lansen walked behind the cockpit. "Look like a big shark."

"That was a chimaeriforme battlecruiser."

"Talk about crazy," Niode breathed rapidly. "I can take the longer way to Rahim."

Niode turned the steering wheel to find another route. The group saw more chimaeras emerging from purple portals as Niode wildly detoured across the town. The runner barely dodged a chimaera's large fin.

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