Chapter 11: Rose of Influence

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"Dammit! I knew this would happen!" Kallios slammed his fist on US President Forroway's desk. "I knew it was a bad idea to send our military against the Federation! Our military power is compromised thanks to you, Mr. President!"

"Look, Director," Forroway drank his cup of water. "We warned Fanghui of our resistance if he violated our boundaries, and he did. We kept our word!"

"I don't give a darn about keeping words. As Director of National Security, I do my best to maintain America's military. You wasted our troops for what? Nothing! Perhaps if we gave up the Niangs and those UICA scum all those years ago, this would never have happened!"

"Now don't start with that, Director!" Press Secretary Feina stood up. "The Niangs and those poor survivors had the right to live here as free Americans!"

"Oh yeah? What about that time those families sued us, huh? Want that to happen again?"

"Please, don't bring that up," Forroway clenched his fist. "Shien did what was right, defending Enshiron, an innocent Vulpi from those bullies!"

"But that was clear evidence that the Niangs are dangerous! They don't deserve our protection!"

"Just calm down everyone," Vice President Idiyura scratched his hair.

"Look, Kallios," Forroway sighed. "I know this is frustrating, but we must never forget that we have to keep our Democracy alive, including protecting people's rights to be free from tyranny, even the Niangs."

"And the Vulpi," Feina added.

"Then tell me, what if those people are the sinister UICA?" House Speaker Rodigand shook his cane. "We protected them, and how did Cecilius thank us? They trap our people in that damned game! My son is in there because of that wretched organization! We should have turned the UICA in when we had the chance!"

"Rodigand, I understand that you are frustrated that your son is in the Syanic Earth," Idiyura stopped Rodigand from slashing his cane across the air. "But we don't know for sure if-"

"I know 100%!" Rodigand smacked Idiyura with his cane. "The UICA were our enemies the whole time as Fanghui told us for years!"

"Settle down, please," Forroway blocked Rodigand's cane from hitting his Vice President again. "I am so sorry that your son is in there, but we can't assume the UICA is truly behind the World Cybertrap just because the Federation says so. I still have doubts about this situation. We don't have sufficient evidence to prove-"

"I agree with Rodigand!" Kallios snapped. "The UICA's true colors have shown! Was it worth it to send General Covinski to rescue those good-for-nothing Niangs?"

"To protect those who are oppressed by the Kneapexists, yes."

"Director Kallios! The UICA was being persecuted just like the Vulpi!" Feina mentioned. "Remember the Middle Eastern Smite? You saw what the Federation does! We should defend these poor people from Fanghui's terrorism!"

"Terrorism? The UICA is the terrorist! Not the Federation!" Kallios spat at Feina. "Fanghui was our friend the whole time. We were just too blind to see it. Now, they come to offer us protection from these enemies, which I think we should accept."

"And you trust these people who slaughter Vulpi?"

"I don't care as long as they can restore our country. Especially for our security's sake since Forroway was dumb enough to fight our protectors, throwing our power into the trash!"

"Kallios," Forroway wiped off his sweat. "It's not all about security, but also defending human rights. We're not going to appease the Kneapexists as Europe did! They did that to Hitler before, and that didn't work out. We can't just give up our beloved democracy for protection."

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