Halloween After Aliens by: DannisWrites

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Halloween After Aliens
Written by:  DannisWrites

I used up half my trade bal waving up costume after costume. My twin brothers were hard to please. Finally, Mason picked a devil costume. Figures. So, Jayden got an angel costume. "You can't tempt me, Dark Mason!"

"Oh, I will, Goodie Jayden!"

Can't boys get along? But the doorbell rang. They invited a bunch of friends. Why did I give them permission to have so many kids over? But, Mama and Daddy promised to pay me back for anything I spent. I don't think they'd approve of what ended up being six extra kids! They gobbled all my snacks from cabinet and refrigerator, then all the candy and one girl got sick! I got scared, but she was running around playing within an hour. Love to have that kind of resilience!

And, since aliens came, we all have aandats, that wonderful second skin that makes COVID a thing of the past. I don't miss masks. Or my brothers' ten-thousand colds they used to bring me from their school. Not that I didn't bring 'em from my school. Feels so good not to be sickly!

What a gift telepathy is! They think loud, so I know to stop them before they get into stuff. But, the sun's sinking behind the neighbor's trees. We waited until dark for trick-or-treaters but they ate my candy stash. "Okay, kids! Let's take a selfie, then go trick-or-treating!"

"Are we going to the mall?" The girl wearing an anime character costume blinked up at me with a dramatic pose. Her pipe prop nearly poked me in the eye!

"No, Honey, we're going around the neighborhood."

"Everybody goes to the mall. I bet we don't get any candy! They run out if you don't go early--"

"Oh, the old ladies always have candy! Let's go!" A girl in an angel costume pulled at my arm.
We went.

After five houses with no porch light and kids knocked anyway, I began to think that girl was right.

Then we knocked at the 6th house. The door opened and a man scowled at us. Kids backed off. "Slopfahi! Get off my porch! And don't step on my flowers!"
Mason stomped up the steps. "It's Halloween! At least you could be polite. Or do you want tricks, since you obviously don't carry treats, hmmm?"

I grabbed his arm. "C'mon, kids! Let's go. There's a whole other street--"

His meaty hand pulled my arm back. What a grip! "Oh, I might have some candy, after all. You're kind of pretty." He threw porno at me with his telepathy!

I tried to back away but Elshars are stronger than we are. By a factor of 3. "911!"

Light blue portals went off all up and down the street! My problem shot into the sky! His screams upset the kids! They all dived for the ground and covered their heads!

People came out! "Mercy, I didn't think we had slavers in our neighborhood!" A gray-curled lady shook her head. "You better take them home!"

A couple of the kids' parents came running. "We're going home! What were you thinking, to call the cops on slavers! We'll all be targets now!" One lady grabbed her little girl and waved up a green portal. Whoosh! They vanished.

Other parents took their kids and did the same!

I led the two left to their homes and explained. Those parents panicked and packed their homes, with a wave! One man frowned at me. "You better take your brothers and leave, too!"
"I can't do that! Mama and Daddy won't be back until tomorrow!"

"They won't find you! Besides, you shouldn't have taken them trick-or-treating on Monday. I thought you had sense enough to go to the mall with them! We're leaving. Want us to take Mason and Jayden with us? Ernie would want them to be safe."

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