The House of Screams by: YeongDo5

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The House of Screams
Written by YeongDo5

The night was cold, colder than usual, as the group of friends made their way down the narrow, winding road that led to Sean's uncle's old house. The house had stood for over a hundred years, a decaying relic from a forgotten era. It loomed ahead, silhouetted against the darkening sky, its windows like hollow eyes staring into nothingness.

Sean, the tallest of the four, was leading the way. His dark hair fluttered in the breeze as he pointed toward the house. "There it is, guys," he said, a mix of excitement and nervousness in his voice. "Uncle Frank hasn't been here in decades. It's basically abandoned, but I figured we could crash here for the night, you know? Do something different."

Lily, her blonde hair tied in a messy bun, walked beside Ruth, the quietest of the group. Ruth's piercing green eyes studied the house with apprehension. She wasn't one for scary places, but she had agreed to come along. After all, she trusted Sean, and the idea of spending a night in an old, creepy house was better than staying home alone on a Friday night.

Jack, however, was unusually quiet. He trailed behind, his hands buried deep in the pockets of his hoodie. Jack had always been a little odd, but lately, he'd become distant. He was quieter, more withdrawn, and his friends could sense something was off. Yet, no one said anything. Not yet.

"Come on, guys, it's just a house," Sean said, his breath visible in the cool air as they finally reached the front door. It creaked open with a groan, revealing a dusty hallway that smelled of mildew and time long forgotten. Sean grinned, turning to his friends. "Welcome to Uncle Frank's place. Home sweet home."

The house's interior was worse than they'd imagined. The walls were peeling, and the furniture was covered in sheets, untouched for years. The air was thick with the scent of rot and decay, but Sean didn't seem to care. "It's perfect," he said, laughing as he tossed his backpack onto a chair. "We've got the whole night to hang out here. No rules, no adults. Just us."

Lily chuckled, though it was clear she was trying to mask her discomfort. "Yeah, perfect for a horror movie," she said, glancing around nervously. Ruth, on the other hand, remained silent, her eyes scanning the room as if expecting something to jump out at her from the shadows.

Jack said nothing. He simply stood by the door, staring at the old wallpaper that was peeling away in strips. There was something about the way he stood, rigid and unmoving, that made the others uneasy. But still, they brushed it off.

"Let's explore!" Sean suggested, grabbing a flashlight from his bag and heading down the hallway. The others followed, their footsteps echoing through the empty house. The floorboards creaked under their weight, and every sound seemed amplified in the eerie silence.

They wandered through the rooms, marveling at the old furniture, the dusty portraits of long-dead relatives hanging on the walls, and the general sense of abandonment that filled the place. Sean was thrilled, his excitement contagious as he led them through the dark, labyrinthine corridors.

But Jack... Jack seemed different. He wandered off on his own, disappearing into the shadows of the house without a word. The others didn't notice at first, too caught up in the novelty of exploring the decrepit mansion. It wasn't until Ruth asked, "Where's Jack?" that they realized he was gone.

"Probably just messing with us," Sean said, though there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "You know Jack, always trying to be the creepy one."

Lily didn't seem so sure. "We should find him. This place gives me the creeps," she said, her voice trembling slightly. Ruth nodded in agreement, and the three of them began searching the house for their missing friend.

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