My First Time by: HomeMediaCave

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My First Time
Written by: HomeMediaCave

All of my friends have done it. Shit, even my younger siblings have done it. Today is Halloween, and my 18th birthday
I have got to do it by tonight, I just have to.

Tonight is the perfect night.

I slowly crawl out of bed to get ready for school, dreading the day as I normally do. I'm not like everyone else. I've always been different, but it's alright. I think my family still cares for me the same as they do my siblings.

I head down the stairs to grab a bite for breakfast. My dad is a stay-at-home father, so he makes a five course breakfast every morning. He seems to be my biggest fan. Always talking me up and doing stuff for me. He's the first to wish me happy birthday, of course. My siblings didn't even realize it was my birthday.

They were twins and turned 15 last month. So, they know everything as it is. But they make fun of me all the time. But today, they just sat there scarfing down their bacon and sausage, not even paying any attention to me.

I just grab a couple of slices of bacon. I want to get out of the house as fast as possible. I just don't wanna deal with my mother today. As I open the front door, she's on the other side, walking into the house.

"Fuck!" I gasped, then course corrected quickly, "I mean good morning mother." I said

She just stared at me and walked by me.

At school I meet up with Sam and Pam who are twins as well. I've known them since I was a baby. Our families have known each other for decades.

"How's it going buddy? Is today going to be the big day?" Sam asks.

"I don't even know how to start to get there" I say.

"Just go for it." Pam chimes in.

I just shrug and head to class. I'm a little more shy around Pam as I have kind of had a crush on her since middle school. Just never felt right since I'm best friends with her brother and all.

In class, a flyer is going around about this Halloween party the town throws every year. I hand it behind me and that's when I see she's sitting behind me. The new girl. What was her name again I think to myself.

"Oh, hey you moved desk?" I ask.

She replies, "Yes, better view of the board and all right here. Oh, are you going to be going to the festival tonight?"

"Yea I'm going to be going with Sam and Pam, and you?"

"Yea it sounds fun, this town really digs Halloween it seems like." She says.

As I was heading to lunch I noticed one of the jocks getting pushed into a locker by a computer kid. Which is pretty normal here. I don't really eat anything for lunch but I did find Sam and Pam sitting at our normal table.

As I get to the table they were talking about the costumes they were planing for tonight. Most likely another twin thing.

"Hey guys... so this is random but, the new girl moved her chair behind me today in chemistry class. She said it was to see the board. It just felt weird to me." I said.

"Bro, she's into you, go for it man. And you should probably start calling her by her name." Sam replied.

"And that is what?" I asked

"Dude, it's Veronica." He said.

"Hey Ryan, can I sit with you all?" Veronica asked.

"Holy shit, you snuck up on me. Yea that's fine." I replied

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