Careful What You Wish For by: CarmenJohnson599

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Careful What You Wish For
Written by: CarmenJohnson599

“Do you know what you want to be for Halloween, yet?” James asked, flashing those perfect white teeth in a smirk to die for.  “I’m not going,” I answered.  I shut my locker door and walked away.  “Not going?  I’ve heard that it's the best dance all year,” he followed me, not letting up, “besides, I was hoping that you'd be my date.”  I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him.  I wasn't expecting that.  He had this look of hope, that I just couldn't break.  One thing I’m not is cruel.  Besides, that look, it reminded me of HIM.

I took a deep breath.  “Okay,” I agreed, still surprising myself.  I hadn't been on a date since….  No one even asks me out.  I’m kind of a Pariah now.  “If you're sure you want to….” I started.  “Why wouldn't I?” he cut me off.  You'll find out soon enough.  Then you'll change your mind.  And that will be okay.

James and I just met yesterday.  He's a new student whose locker just happened to be located under mine.  He told his tour guide to take a hike and latched on to me like a puppy.  I never could turn away a puppy.  Especially if that puppy reminded me of HIM.  I don't say his name.  I don't talk about him.

James and I happened to have all of the same classes together.  Weird.  He follows me to every class and sits by me in every class.  There are always empty desks near me.  I don't have any friends.

We walk into first hour together.  Creative writing is one of my favorite classes.  I’m always glad that it’s first.  It makes it easier to go to school.  I notice that most of the girls are already sitting at their desks wanting to get a look at James.  He is quite good looking.  Dark hair, almost as black as mine, deep blue eyes, chiseled features and the body of an athlete.  I don't understand why he's so interested in me and neither do they.  We sat down at the back of the class, in the same seats as yesterday.  “You know.  Any of these girls would be happy to drop their dates to go with you,” I whispered to him.  “So.  I want to go with you,” he said without looking up.  He had gotten his notebook out and was looking at it intently.  I resisted the urge to look at what he was staring at.  Notebooks, to me, are private.

“Hi.  My name’s Carly.  How are you?” came a perky voice from in front of us.  We both looked up at her.  Great!  I had wondered how long it would take for her to smell fresh meat and pounce.  James didn't answer her, he just stared at her.  She took it as an invitation to continue, “There's a Halloween dance on Friday.  I was wondering if you'd like to take me?”  “I already have a date,” James answered and smirked at me.  I couldn't help but grin.  Carly, head cheerleader, homecoming queen, student extraordinaire, never got turned down.

Her eyes narrowed at me.  “You're going with her?” she huffed, “Do you even know who she is?”  “Leslie Black,” James answered matter-of-factly.  “You're new here, so I guess you probably don't know what happened,” she started, thinking she had the upper hand.  I just waited for it.  It was good while it lasted.  “I know that green isn't a good color on you,” James said lowly.  She stopped talking and looked down at her clothes, confused, “but, I’m not wearing any green.”  “No, but you are green with envy,” James said.  She stopped, taken aback, not used to being talked to like that.  She huffed.  “You can leave now,” he dismissed her, looking at his notebook again.  She turned and went back to her desk.  I inwardly smiled.  It was a good day.

“How was school?” my mom asked when I got home.  “It was fine,” my usual reply.  “Anything new happen?” her usual follow up question.  I didn't answer immediately.  She turned away from the stove to look at me expectantly.  “I made a new friend,” I answered.  “That's wonderful,” she smiled, clearly pleased, “what's her name?”  After a moment, “His name is James and he,” I paused.  She looked at me expectantly.  “He asked me to the Halloween dance on Friday,” I finished quickly.  She dropped the spatula into the spaghetti sauce and fully faced me, tears in her eyes.  She hugged me tightly, “That's wonderful honey.  I’m so happy for you.”  After a moment, she backed up, ”I can't tomorrow, but we should go shopping for a costume on Thursday.”  “Okay,” I agreed, nodding my head yes.  She kissed me on the cheek, “Okay.  Go do your homework while I finish cooking dinner."

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