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"You're not nervous are you?"

I scoff, "No."

He looks at me and blinks, "Then let go of my hand."


So it was Monday, and it was prep hour. I had came up with just the great idea to hit up Bryshere and ask him for a favor. That favor being, making Kelly jealous to get my point. He was all in, and telling Brea about it, she was all in to help. Brys and I were seated at a cafeteria table pretty far from the original one we always sit at, and Kelly, Brea, and Khayman were going to sit there today and wonder where we are. Kelly was going to spot us out, then act upon it, and hopefully get my point.

I was kind of nervous to act lovey dovey with Bryshere, and holding his hand calmed me, however I think I was squeezing his hand too tight and he wanted me to let go. Noticing my nervousness, he continued to let me hold his hand, and I thought that was so sweet.

"Is Brea going to text you when they sit down?" He asked.

I nodded.

Bryshere put his face in front of mine, "Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable but I think it's too late because uncomfortable is written all over your face."

I smile, "Brys, I'm always nervous for stuff like this. It's just apart of my personality, and I'll get over it. I'm far from uncomfortable."



I look at Brys, and I pull out my phone.

From: Breaaaaa

Coming in now. Plan activated..

I smile at Brea's text, and look up at Bryshere.

"Its time."

I stand up, and he turns around exposing his lap for me. I take a seat across his lap, and wrap my arms around him.

Brys glances over at their table, "Okay, let's make conversation so it doesn't look awkward."

I nod, "Right, right. Um, so where do you want to go to College?"

He grins, "Duke or Ohio State."

"For what?" I question.

He furrows his eyebrows, and then I close my eyes, feeling ridiculous.

"Right.. Basketball. Dumb question. Sorry.." I add.

He chuckles, "It is okay. How about you?"

I shake my head, "Standford, Yale, or Princeton. I didn't get to say Princeton last time because Kelly cut me off and pissed me off."

He laughed, "Yeah, I remember. Do you know what for yet?"

"I'm still deciding. A lot of teachers think I should be an English teacher since I love English so much. It doesn't sound like a bad idea, though."

Challenge Me • Kelly Oubre Jr •Where stories live. Discover now