Part 7 {Luna}

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The nurse and doctor let me sit in the room with Mo till her parents came. Matt sat next to me, but was shaken up. "Matt are you okay," I tap him on the shoulder. "I'm okay. I just hope she's going to be okay," he says. I hug him and tell him everything will be okay. I should take my own advice sometimes. "Hi I'm Dr. Thomas and I'll be taking care of Maureen today. May I ask who you are," a new doctor comes in. "I'm Matt and this is Luna. I'm her brother and this is," he looks at me, "girlfriend." "Ok well then I'll explain everything when your parents get here," he smiles and leaves. I look at the window and see her parents walking toward us. "Your parents are here," I stand up with Matt.

"Why the hell are you here," her mother immediately says. "I saved her from where she was," I tell her. "What happened to her," she asks and the doctor comes in. "Well she was obviously raped, beaten, she had an extreme dose of ketamine and alcohol," he tells Mo's parents. "What? Who would rape her? How'd she get ketamine," all the questions kept rolling off her tongue. "She went to a warehouse to meet her ex friend Shane. I don't know if there were other people," I tell her mom what I know. "Definitely a lot of people. She was raped by at least three guys. Maureen was most likely beaten up by girls because of where most of the hits are. Girls tend to hit in the groin as to guys who tend to hit in the face," Dr.Thomas explains.

"Thanks doctor," Mo's mom thanks the doctor and he leaves. "You are welcome, the police will be here as soon as she wakes up to get her testimony," the doctor nods his head and exits through the door. "How did you find where she was," Ms.Taylor asks with her arms folded. "Stacy had a tracking app because they are going to be roommates when they get to college," I explain to her. "I don't think it's appropriate for you to be here," she looks at me with hate and I get a little sad. "I'm not leaving her side! You can't make me," I yell at her. "Yea I can! Guards, she's not apart of this family," she yells for the security and they escort me out of the hospital.

What was I supposed to do now? I don't have a ride home, I won't be there when she wakes up, and her mom is literally the worst person I have ever met in my life. God, why does this have to be an unlucky day? I grab my phone out and phone a cab. I tell them where I am and which entrance to pick me up at. I hang up. I find a bench and sit there until I see the headlights of the yellow cab enter my viewpoint. I tell him my address. When we start driving towards my house, I look through the cash I had. "23.50," his French accent was deep. I hand him exact amount and exit the cab.

I unlock my front door. "Where in the hell have you been all day," my mother instantly yells at me. "Been busy with stuff," I tell her. "That doesn't answer my question," her pissed off face stares at me. "I've been with my friend from the cheer squad," I tell her. "Why the hell would you befriend a gringa? Mija, what have I told you," she slaps the side of my head. "No gringa chicas," I repeat her infamous words. I roll my eyes and go to my room.

Since Mo was unconscious and her phone was in the dirt, I see if Stacy had Matt's number. She gives it to me over text.

How is she?

She's still asleep but otherwise she should make a full recovery.

How is she supposed to go to the next pep rally?

I don't know. That's a good question

She loves cheerleading

From: Matt
I know that's why it's going to be hard.

To: Matt
I hope she can still cheer.

He stops texting me so I assume that the doctor is in the room. At this point I didn't know what to do anymore. There's nothing to do in this house.

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