Part 19

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I get up off the floor and head out to the hallways. I feel like I can barely stand. Somehow, I managed to make it to the door. I pushed it open, barely. People are still in classes, so I decide to head to the front office while I can. I walk slowly as I know my face and body are badly bruised or bloody. I look through the window of the front office and see the secretary get up confused. She starts to look horrified. I open the door and fall into her hands.

Then the principal walks out there. "Oh my goodness, how could an assault take place on my campus? Ok tell me who did this to you," she asks me. I thought about telling her who exactly did it, but then I remembered the threat that Chelsea had said. I had to protect Luna at any cost. "I don't know, I didn't see them. They mugged me while my back is turned," I tell her. Lies. It was Chelsea and Henry. "Do you know their heights," she asks. "Umm no. I was on the ground the whole time," I replied. Lie. I know exactly their heights. 5"6 and 6"1.

"Ok then, let's just get all this blood off of your face and take you to the hospital," she gets out her phone and calls 911.

"This is 911, what's your emergency," the operator asks.

"There was an assault and I need an ambulance for the victim. I'm at Collins High School, please hurry," she hangs up the phone. I sit there in her lap wondering what was going to happen. Would my mother actually push me hard enough to get information out of me? Would Luna find out? I was so terrified of having another reason for people to hate me that I didn't even want to understand what was going on. I felt something come up through my throat. Then I finally tasted it. Blood. I was coughing up blood on this poor secretary. "It's okay. It's going to be okay," she rubs my hair back.

She made me think of Luna. Her soft hands rubbing my head. God, I could use her right now.

I hear the sounds of the ambulance approach the school and the drivers walked into the office. "What happened to her," the secretary asked them as she pours out tears. This lady doesn't even know me and she's crying for me. "It looks like trauma to the ribs, wrists, and face," they put me on a stretcher and roll me out to the ambulance. I feel them pick me up to put me in the ambulance. I could sometimes hear them talking, but I came in and out of consciousness.

When I finally arrive to the hospital, they put me in a room. The doctor came in a few minutes later after they screened me. "Hey Maureen, so it shows you have a broken rib and your nose is slightly bruised, but that's nothing we can't fix," he slightly smiles. I nod. "We are going to put you on some morphine right now, and get you ready for surgery once your parents get here," he grabs my hand nicely. I smile. The nurse puts morphine in my blood. Soon after, I know my eyes fall asleep.

I hear the sounds of an ambulance outside our class window. "What's that," everyone in my class asks. I try to get to the window to see who was in the stretcher, but I couldn't see it. But I saw something twinkle in the sunlight. A bracelet. Hanging from the person's wrist. I saw a glimpse of it, a moon and sun. I bring my hands up to my face. Mo, what happened to you?

I obviously can't leave school, I was pretty much helpless at the moment and the rest of the day. I had to find Stacy first. The bell rang and I rushed through the halls to find her. "Stacy, Stacy," I yell catching up with her. "Luna, what's up," she looks at me with shock. "I think Mo was sent to the hospital," I say trying to catch my breath. "What, no, it can't be," she says. "Yeah I saw a bracelet and it looked just like the one I had given her," I inform her. "Woah, we know exactly who did it then," Stacy says. "Let's not say anything until we know. Can you take me to her after school," I ask. She nods her head and leaves.

I couldn't really focus in my classes for the rest of the day, so I couldn't really tell you what I learned. Then the bell rang for school to be over. I went to my locker to get some books. "Hey, Luna," I hear my name from someone I recognized. "Hey Rennie, haven't talked to you in a while," I look at her. "Yeah, I heard about Mo, you must be devastated," she shows sympathy. "Yeah," I agree. "I remember when my girlfriend fell of her horse and broke her arm, I cried," I hear her story. But I snapped, "You have no idea what I'm feeling. I have no idea what happened to her and I have no idea how it happened, okay! She could be dying and I have no idea," I stop because tears fall from face. "Luna," she says. "I'm so sorry I snapped at you," I apologize. I grab my books, close my locker, and I leave to go to Stacy's car.

"What's wrong," she asks me. "Just shut up and drive," I ignore answering her question. Stacy looks back onto the road and quickly drives to the hospital.

"I'm here to see Mo Taylor," I tell the girl at the desk. "Umm yeah I don't see a Mo Taylor," she reads her computer, "but I do see a Maureen Taylor." "That's who I meant," I say annoyed. "Oh sorry, she's in room 12, go on ahead," she smiles. I roll my eyes and see room 12.

I open the door. "Hello, Mo," I question the room. I hear nothing, but I read the sign on the door. "Patient on another dose of Morphine." I go into the room and see her face badly beaten up with some blood left over. I see a paper right next to the table. "Trauma to the ribs, wrist, and face." Whoever did this, kicked her in the ribs.

I grab her hand and kiss her forehead. When I reach back to her hand, I feel her grab back and I start to tear up.

"I love you Mo," I smile.

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