Part 22

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I stare at the beautiful girl in front of me like I've just met her. It was an awful feeling.

"Where have you been? I've tried calling you, texting you. I didn't know you were out of the hospital," she rambles on like she usually does when she gets angry. "I wanted time to be alone at home," I look down. "You couldn't text me that," she asks me angrily. "I'm sorry, I just-," I get overwhelmed and stop talking. "You just what," she tries to grab my hand, but I jerk it away. "I don't want to talk about it," I look away from her even more to try and hold in my tears. "Mo, tell me what's going on," I feel her concern. I ignore her. I push her out of the way softly and I walk away from her.

I go behind the lockers. I slide down to the floor and start crying a lot. Seeing her concerned about me made me happy, but the way I handled it makes me angry. I wipe tears away from my face. "Mo, is that you," Rennie's voice is near. I ignore them. "Mo, answer me," they bend down in front of me.

"Rennie, leave me alone," I say harshly. "Not until you tell me what's going on," Rennie wouldn't leave. "It's none of your business," I yell out. Rennie grabs my wrists and pins them to the locker, she was basically on top of me. "Tell me," her face was right in front of mine. "I just made my girlfriend angry at me," I cry out. Her eyes start trailing and looking at my lips. I feel her kiss me, but it wasn't like when I kissed Luna. It was different. A bad different. I bite her lip to get off of me. "Get off," I get enough strength to push her away and I get up. I go to first period as if nothing had happened.

I wipe my tears away and sit in my usual first period seat next to Stacy. "Mo, I'm so happy to see you," she hugs me gently. I smile nicely. At this point I just wanted to get to math. Literature was such a bore. Correction, high school lit was a bore. My teacher went on and on about our next essay for class.

She pulls me out of class while everyone else works. "Mo, you have a lot of stuff to make up from your three days absence," she informs me. "What," I ask. "We started reading The Great Gatsby in class and we will have an essay on the first five chapters tomorrow," Mrs. Shillings told me. I nod my head. "I'll read the chapters tonight," I tell her. She hands me a copy of the book and we both walk inside the classroom.

I start reading the chapters. Even though, I read this book in middle school.

Before I knew it, it was time to go to math. Fifth period had started and so far, I knew I had 2 tests, 1 essay, and a pile of homework to do. I was hoping math would be so much better. Mr. Perozzi pulled me out of class too, just like every other teacher. "Mo, it's glad to have you back," he smiles. "Thank you, it's glad to be back," I laugh. "Any news from the Harvard Program," he inquires. I smile. "I got in. I'm going on a full scholarship," I inform him. We both get really excited. "That's great. I knew they had to let you in," Mr. Perozzi smiles and we walk back into the class. I sit down and continue my work.

All I could think about was Luna. I should've handled this morning better. I felt really bad. My stomach was in knots. "Mo, come on," Alan tells me. "Alan, I didn't know you still talked to me," I question as I get up and go to my last class. "Of course I do, you're my neighbor," he smiles kindly. We walk down the halls and I feel someone pull me into the bathroom.

"I don't care what's going on and why you didn't call, but please just tell me you still love me," Luna's faint voice was covered in sobbing tears as she punched me softly in the rib cage. I don't say anything because I'm a little too surprised. "Tell me Mo Taylor, Tell me Mo Taylor," she yells. "Luna calm down," I grab her arms to calm her down. She continues screaming and crying. "Luna, I do love you and I always have," I caress her cheek softly. She stops crying and looks up at me. "Tell me what's going on," Luna says. "They-They took a video of the attack," I tell her. "I know," she looks at me. "How do you know," I look at her surprised.

"They sent it to the whole cheer squad. Stacy has it," she looks away from me. "Of course they would," I roll my eyes. I feel Luna's cold hands hug me tight. "It's okay," she smiles at me. I wondered if I should tell her about Rennie, but I didn't want to ruin this moment. "We should get to our classes," I laugh. She hugs me one more time before we leave the restroom. I enter theatre with a pass from Mr. P.

In theatre, we didn't really do anything today. When the final bell rang, I left to go outside. I saw an old friend who had graduated. "Hey man," I kind of bro-hug him. "Hey Mo, it's nice to see you. What's up," he asks. "Nothing much, just bad stuff," I look down. "Go tell someone then, it's time to stand up to whoever is giving you trouble," he ruffles my hair. I have a bright light moment.

I head to the counselor's office. "Carol," I smirk. "Have you decided to tell me," Carol asks. "I told you I'd never tell," I chuckle. "Then what might you be looking for," she asks. "Your email," I ask. She types it into my phone. I leave the room.

I send her the video and put my hands in my pockets. My face looked smug as ever. Maybe I just stood up to them, Maybe I just signed a death wish. All I knew is that I would protect Luna, at all costs.

I smirk before leaving the school and catching up with Luna.

"What's up with you," she asks.

"Nothing," I smirk like an evil villain.

Sucky chapter, I know, but I wanted to update for you guys!

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