Part 8{Luna}

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It's 11 o'clock in the morning. I wake up to my phone ringing. "Matt what's wrong," I answer suddenly. "My parents aren't here. You can come see her," he hangs up. I start to get excited. I haven't seen her in three days because her parents are always there. I grab my solid army green beanie, and sneakers. I put on jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Then my beanie and sneakers. I grab my purse. I run out of the door towards the Marta stop. When I get to the seat, I look through my purse to find my money, but find nothing. Someone stole the change I had left. My moms boyfriend. Oh my god. My only chance of getting to see her is ruined.

I think about the route that the taxi took to get me home. Up two blocks, left, up four more blocks, right, and then a mile. I decide to run as fast as my legs will take me. I start running from the bus stop to the first two blocks. Panting hard. The sweat beads rushing down my forehead. I made it to the first two blocks and I turn left.

I stop for a minute to take a breath. I run four more blocks before I turn right. I start getting tired. Running was not my strong suit. Just one mile left. Run, Luna, Run. Come on, you can do this. I encourage myself till I see the hospital come into my view point. I walk the rest of the way to the door. Matt sees me and grabs my hand to pull me to the room. I smile at him and hear a weak voice behind me, "Luna?"

"Mo," I start tearing up. "I'm so happy to finally see you," Mo says with happy tears coming down her face. I walk towards her and we sort of hug together. "I've missed you so much," I caress her face after we let go. "I'm sorry I went there. I shouldn't have done this," she gets sad. "It's okay, they shouldn't have done this," I tell her matching her tears. "I want to get out of here," she tells me with her eyes begging me to get her out, "What happened to your head?" "My mom's boyfriend hit my head on my laptop," I say. "Matt, get all of this off of me please. We can all run away," she looks at him with command. He nods and carefully takes the needles out and gives her clothes to her. She puts them on and we carefully plan our escape.

"Let's go," she's just the most adorable little criminal ever. We run out of the hospital. "I know a hideout we can go to," she tells us. We follow her to some doors. Looked like one of those tornado shelters. "What is this," I ask her. "The yearbook," Mo smiles. "What," I ask while looking around. "Seniors come and sign the walls before graduation," she laughs. "Some juniors come to chill," Matt says in awe. "I've never heard about this place," I admit. "Because not a lot of people that aren't seniors know about it," she explains. "I'm going to sleep," Matt says. We smile at him.

"So are you going to get to cheer," I ask her. "I'm going to quit the squad," Mo tells me with sadness in her voice. "Why," I ask her. "Because I don't need to be one of them," she says sternly. "But you love cheerleading," I touch her arm. "I know but if cheerleading means me having to be a slutty bitch," she grabs my hand and we interlock our fingers. I lean my head on her shoulders. "What's your biggest dream," I ask. "To go to every theme park in the world," Mo says as she lays her head on my head. "Mine is to be happy and I'm starting to be happy," I say. I start to feel her cheeks pull back into a small. "You're so beautiful," she tells me. "Not as beautiful as you," I say. We both slowly drift into sleep

-Luna and Mo's dream intertwined-

"Mo," I look everywhere for my wife but can't find her. "Boo," the redhead with freckles sneaks behind me and scares me. "Haha very funny," I laugh as we kiss each other. "Mom," Alice, our oldest, looks at us. "What," we both say at the same time. "I'm late for my orchestra practice," she looks agitated. "Ok, get everyone else downstairs and we'll take you," I tell her. I look at my wedding ring. Diamond cut with blue crystal in the middle to represent Alice in Wonderland. I admire it before Mo and I decide to grab our purses and leave.

"Peter, Alice, Matt, Alisha, and Marian," I check our five kids. "All in the car," Mo says with laughter. "You guys ready to see me play," Alice asks the rest. "Sure, No, Haha, yes," are some of the responses I hear. Alice's recital was in two weeks and this is the second to last practice. "Bye sweetheart. Just call us when you are finished," Mo yells out the window. We pull out of the school parking lot and take the other kids out to eat. "Zaxby's or Chipotle," I ask our kids. "Chipotle," they all agree. We go in Chipotle.

"Fucking Dykes," a hetero man walks past us hitting Mo's shoulder. "Hey take your opinion somewhere else," Mo yells. "Yeah because I don't want my kids to be exposed to this shit," he yells. "Too bad they have to be exposed to your ignorant behavior," Mo yells back. He leaves. "Mo," I touch her shoulder. "I'm fine. Sorry," she says.

-end of dream-

"That was amazing," we wake up saying. We laugh a little and end up looking each other dead in the face. Next thing I know our lips were kissing with beautiful symphony. They were perfectly working together. Passionately. I start to hear the doors open. "Metro City Police Department," a cop, just what we need. "Maureen Taylor, Luna Ellipse, Matt Taylor, you are all under arrest," he then reads our Miranda rights. He grabs us up and puts us into the cop car and we slowly ride to the police department.

"Luna, I don't know what they want with us," Mo tells me. "Shut up," the cop says. When we get into the department, they separate Mo and I. "No I have to be with her, let me go with Luna," Mo keeps yelling hysterically and at one point she breaks free from the cops and tries to come near me but they instantly grab her. She starts to scream loud and it rang through my ears. I start to tear up because she sounded like she was in so much agony. "LUNA," she kept yelling before I reached a holding cell.

I wanted to see her just as much as she wanted to see me.

"Luna Maria Ellipse, how the hell did you get to jail," my mom stops in front of my holding cell. I drop my head low, then I see my mom's boyfriend with his dirty shoes. They both look angrily at me.

"Mom you have to-," I try to explain. "No I don't want to hear it you idiotic, anxiety filled disappointment," she leaves.

Tears overflow my face. I fall to my knees in pain.

I scream louder than anyone in this damn jail.

This is another of my friends birthday present. The next one will be amazing. And a big shoutout to my friend Falling_Light for making the new cover. Check her books out, they are amazing!!

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