Chapter 5 : the skating rink

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We made our way to the abandoned skating rink, the sound of our footsteps echoing against the cracked pavement as we settled on a dilapidated bench near the entrance. I took a deep breath, feeling the rush of freedom wash over me, and glanced at María as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

She looked so effortlessly feminine, her sundress fluttering in the gentle breeze, while I felt like the embodiment of rebellion in my ripped jeans and a faded band tee. Yet, somehow, we blended together in this moment, two sides of the same coin.

We started talking, our voices hushed against the backdrop of the crumbling rink. "You know," I said, trying to keep it light, "my life is pretty much a disaster. My parents think I'm a straight-A student, but they have no idea about my life outside of their perfect little world."

María nodded, her expression serious but understanding. "I get it. My mom expects me to be this perfect little girl, always wearing dresses, always playing the role. But I just want to be myself, you know? It's suffocating."

I could see the frustration in her eyes, and I felt an unexpected kinship with her struggles. We were both caught in the web of expectations, desperately trying to find a way out. "Sometimes I just want to scream," I confessed, my voice low. "I want to break free from all this bullshit."

As she spoke, I found myself glancing at her lips, noticing how soft and inviting they looked. The way she spoke about her life made me feel something stir inside me. There was a vulnerability in her voice, a longing for something more. I couldn't help but think about how beautiful she was, especially in this moment, revealing a piece of herself to me.

María caught my gaze and blushed lightly, her cheeks flushing a soft pink as she realized where my eyes were lingering. It made me smirk, the corners of my mouth lifting in a playful grin. "Want a lighter?" I asked, breaking the tension. I reached into my pocket, pulling out a small, worn lighter and a pack of smokes. I handed her one, our fingers brushing against each other, sending a small thrill down my spine.

"Thanks," she replied, taking the cigarette from me, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she lit it. I watched as she took a drag, the smoke curling around her face like a soft halo, and I couldn't help but admire how effortlessly cool she looked. I lit my own cigarette and took a deep drag, the nicotine grounding me in this surreal moment.

We sat there, smoking and exchanging stories, both of us pouring out the frustrations of our lives. "I just want someone to love," María admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "Someone who sees me for who I am, not what they want me to be."

The weight of her words hung in the air, and I could feel my heart racing. "Then let me be that person," I said, the words spilling out before I could think them through.

María looked at me, her expression shifting in an instant. Her eyes widened slightly, and I could see the heat rising to her cheeks. It was as if I'd thrown a spark into the air between us, igniting something undeniable. The way she looked at me in that moment, her gaze flickering between awe and desire, made me feel like I was on fire.

"Seriously?" she asked, her voice a mix of disbelief and hope.

"Yeah," I replied, my voice steady despite the chaos of emotions swirling inside me. "I see you, María. You're amazing, and you shouldn't have to hide who you are."

Her lips parted slightly, and for a second, it felt like time stood still. She looked at me as if she could see right through to my soul, the weight of her longing mirrored in my own. "You're so hot for saying that," she breathed, her gaze intense.

A thrill shot through me at her words, and I felt a rush of courage. "Then let's not pretend anymore," I said, my heart racing as I leaned a little closer. "We can figure this out together."

In that moment, under the fading sunlight and surrounded by the remnants of a forgotten place, we began to forge a connection that felt both exhilarating and terrifying. Two girls, ready to embrace the chaos of our lives, together.

IS LOVING HER A SIN? (Fem X fem reader) LGBTQ+ story Where stories live. Discover now