Chapter 8

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As we pulled away from our kiss, the world around us slowly came back into focus, the thrill of our shared moment still buzzing in the air. I glanced at the sky, the fading light giving way to a blanket of deep indigo, scattered with stars that seemed to twinkle just for us. The moment felt magical, but the reality of time crept in.

"It's getting late," I said softly, my voice barely above a whisper. I felt a twinge of reluctance to leave this spot, but I knew we couldn't linger here forever. María followed my gaze, her blue eyes wide with wonder as she took in the beauty above us.

"Yeah," she replied, her voice wistful. "It's so beautiful. I could stay here all night."

I felt a pang of longing for that, but the weight of our circumstances pulled at me. "I know a place we can go," I suggested, a spark of excitement lighting up my chest. "An abandoned rooftop near my place. We can see the whole city from there."

María's eyes lit up at the idea, and I could see the curiosity dancing behind her gaze. "Really? That sounds amazing! Let's go."

With a shared sense of adventure, we climbed off the bench and began walking towards my neighborhood, the night air cool against our skin. We didn't speak much, but the silence felt comfortable, filled with unspoken understanding. Both of us had felt the sting of neglect from our families, but here, together, we were carving out our own space away from the weight of expectations.

As we approached the building, I felt a flutter of nerves and excitement. The rooftop had become my secret haven, a place where I could escape and breathe without the judgment of the world below. I led María up the fire escape, the rickety metal ladder clanging softly under our weight.

Once we reached the top, I pushed the door open, revealing the rooftop bathed in the glow of the city lights. The vastness of the skyline spread out before us, and the stars above seemed to echo the beauty of the view. "Welcome to my sanctuary," I said with a grin, feeling a surge of pride.

María stepped out behind me, her breath catching as she took in the scene. "Wow," she whispered, walking to the edge and looking out at the sprawling city. "This is incredible."

I joined her, standing shoulder to shoulder as we gazed out at the twinkling lights. "It's my favorite spot to escape," I admitted. "Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I come here. It's like the world below doesn't exist."

She turned to me, her expression softening. "I can understand that. Sometimes I just want to get away from everything, you know?"

I nodded, the weight of her words resonating deeply within me. "Yeah, it's nice to have a place to just breathe."

As we stood there, the silence stretched comfortably between us, and I felt an undeniable bond forming. We were two girls who had faced the harsh realities of life, yet here we were, together under the stars, sharing our fears and dreams. The connection felt special, forged in the fires of neglect and longing, and it made me feel less alone.

"Thanks for bringing me here," she said, breaking the silence. "I really needed this."

"Me too," I replied, my voice sincere. "It feels good to share this with someone who gets it."

María smiled at me, and in that moment, I could see the unspoken understanding in her eyes. We both carried the weight of our families' expectations, but here, on this rooftop, we were free to be ourselves, unencumbered by the world below.

"Let's make a promise," I said, turning to her with determination. "No matter what happens, we'll always have each other's backs. We can't let anyone else tear us down."

Her eyes sparkled with agreement, and she nodded fiercely. "Absolutely. We're in this together."

As we stood side by side, gazing at the stars and the city lights, I felt a warmth blossom in my chest. I had found someone who understood my struggles, someone who would stand by

IS LOVING HER A SIN? (Fem X fem reader) LGBTQ+ story Where stories live. Discover now