The music playing in the background
How did they not know?DEBBIE SUGDEN:
Because you have these people who take peoples possessions, even babies, it's a cruel world we live in, and i was terrified when you and Jack were born wondering if I'd actually picked up the correct son.LANDO SUGDEN:
The maternity unit has a lot to answer for, 12 years missing is inexcusable.DEBBIE SUGDEN:
I'm glad we were all together, i took a punt on your dad, and I'm so proud it paid off.LANDO SUGDEN:
The same can't be said for Jeffrey. He looks so pissed off that you couldn't mould it into a brick.CHRIS MATTHEWS:
Jeffrey, are you ok. You were so off your game this morning.JEFF MATTHEWS:
I'm a failure, i had a 2 year old who i let out of my sight. Now she's in trouble with a couple who basically tortured my little girl.CHRIS MATTHEWS:
Luckily, you have a gang, I'll help you in any way i can. I messed our relationship up in the 1990s. Let me try to put it right.JEFF MATTHEWS:
Apparently, they're coming up at 7 o'clock tonight. I will beat them to death, and i don't care anymore about the legality. The badness is seeping out of me, Chris, and i need to get it. out somehow.OWEN JARRETT:
I can hazard a guess of what you're going to say.JEFF MATTHEWS:
I need your help, because i don't want them to take my daughter away, not again.OWEN JARRETT:
I'll get the boys together. Remember, if one is threatened, we all act.WILLIAM SUGDEN:
Is that what a "53" was.OWEN JARRETT:
Yeah, it's like the United Nations. If one country is invaded, then we all act. What do you think it meant.(William and Helen hold their laughter)
No doubt dirty, honestly.JEFF MATTHEWS:
Thanks, Owen. i really appreciate it.OWEN JARRETT:
I'll get Scunthorpe. I think Jade and Elias are at workBARNEY TROUGHTON:
No, she's returned. we've got a little break, but i can't speak for Elias, though.OWEN JARRETT:
Thanks, Barney. It's time to put our plan into action.JEFF MATTHEWS:
Thunderbirds are go.
Masefield Avenue: Episode 21,513
General FictionIt's 10th January 2019 As Krista warms to the community after her return thanks to Oliver and Caleb, Jeffrey seeks help from his friends but will the method of a pub brawl give way to a cunning plan by a long-time resident