Chapter 6

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The morning of the sixth day dawned quietly, a gentle golden light spilling through the high windows of my chambers. But despite the beauty of the day outside, my stomach churned with unease. The weight of what was to come tonight pressed down on me, making every moment feel both too slow and too fast.

Tonight would be the night.

The thought ran through my mind on a loop as I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to will my nerves into submission. I had known this moment was inevitable from the moment I opened that envelope back at the Academy. I had prepared for it, braced myself for it—but now that it was here, I realized how little I truly understood.

I had no idea what to expect.

My mind was filled with fragments of conversations whispered among the older girls back at the Academy—rumors and half-truths about what happened after a wedding, about the intimacy between a husband and wife. But none of it seemed real, none of it felt like something I could truly comprehend. And now, I had only hours left before I would find out firsthand.

I exhaled slowly, forcing myself to sit up. There was no use lying in bed, worrying about what I couldn’t control. The day had to be faced, no matter how much I wanted to hide from it.

Anna arrived shortly after, her usual bright smile in place as she entered my chambers to help me prepare for the day. “Good morning, Your Highness,” she said cheerfully, bustling around the room as she opened the curtains wider, letting in more light.

I offered her a weak smile in return, trying to summon the energy to match her enthusiasm, but it was no use. My mind was too preoccupied, my nerves too raw. Anna, ever the attentive maid, noticed immediately.

“You’re quiet today, Your Highness,” she remarked gently, pausing as she turned to face me. “Is something troubling you?”

I hesitated, unsure of how to explain the storm of emotions swirling inside me. “It’s just... tonight,” I finally said, my voice barely above a whisper. “I’m... nervous.”

Anna’s expression softened, and she crossed the room to sit beside me on the bed. “It’s perfectly normal to feel nervous,” she said kindly. “But remember, the King is a good man. He will take care of you.”

I nodded, appreciating her attempt to reassure me, but it did little to ease the tightness in my chest. “I know,” I whispered. “But I don’t know what to expect.”

Anna smiled softly, her eyes warm with understanding. “You don’t need to know everything right now,” she said. “Just trust that things will unfold as they’re meant to. ”

Her words brought a small measure of comfort, and I nodded again, feeling a little lighter. “Thank you, Anna.”

The rest of the day passed in a strange blur of activity, with my mind constantly shifting back to the night ahead. I tried to distract myself with the usual routine—walking through the gardens, reading in the library, anything to keep my thoughts from spiraling—but it was no use. Every moment was colored by the knowledge of what was to come.

As the day wore on, my nervousness only grew. Each hour that passed felt like a countdown, bringing me closer and closer to the moment I had been both dreading and anticipating. My heart seemed to beat louder in my chest, a constant reminder of the unknown that lay before me.

By the time evening arrived, I could hardly focus on anything else. Anna helped me dress for dinner, her movements calm and efficient as she fastened the delicate buttons at the back of my gown. The fabric was soft and luxurious, a pale shade of rose that complimented my skin, but I could hardly appreciate it.

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