Chapter 27

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As I sat at the vanity, brushing my hair in the soft glow of the morning light, I marveled at how much my life had changed. My reflection stared back at me—a woman transformed, radiant with the promise of new life. With each stroke of the brush, I felt a surge of anticipation, mixed with the weight of responsibility that had become my everyday reality.

Conrad and I had settled into a rhythm, yet it felt like we were walking a tightrope, balancing our duties as rulers with the joys and challenges of impending parenthood. The council had ramped up their demands on us. I could see the strain it placed on Conrad, his brow often furrowed in concentration as he sifted through endless paperwork and listened to the various members of the council voice their concerns.

“Rosalie,” he called from the doorway, and I turned to see him standing there, a stack of papers in hand. The sight of him, dressed in a slightly rumpled suit with his tie loosened, always made my heart flutter. “Have you seen my—”

“Right here,” I replied, reaching for the document he’d been looking for. “You’ve been buried in those papers for hours.”

He took the page from me, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. “I’m trying to wrap up a few last-minute details before I take a break. The council thinks it’s essential that I’m fully prepared for fatherhood.”

I smiled at him, feeling a swell of pride. “You’re already proving to be a wonderful leader. You’ll make a great father too.”

Conrad stepped closer, his hand finding mine. “And I couldn’t do any of it without you by my side. Your support means everything to me, especially now. I want to be there for you and our child, and that means finding a balance between my duties and our family.”

His eyes held such sincerity that it melted my heart. “We’ll figure it out together,” I reassured him, squeezing his hand. “We’ll find our rhythm, I promise.”

He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead, the gesture filling me with warmth and hope. “I believe you. I just hope the council is patient enough to give us the space we need.”

Recalling the pressure we faced from the council, I nodded. “Perhaps we can request some quieter days after the baby arrives—a chance to settle into our new roles without all the pomp and circumstance.”

Conrad’s expression brightened at the idea, his relief palpable. “That’s a wonderful plan. We can take a step back and enjoy those first moments as a family.”

As the days passed, our lives became a delicate dance of public appearances and private intimacy. Each evening, we retreated to our sanctuary, sharing laughter, dreams, and the simple joy of being together. I reveled in these moments, each one a reminder of the bond we had forged through our trials.

But as my body continued to change, I also felt the weight of our situation pressing down on me. I was acutely aware of how our lives had transformed in such a short span of time. The council’s expectations loomed over us like a dark cloud, and I could see the toll it took on Conrad, especially as he navigated the political landscape while trying to prepare for fatherhood.

After a particularly grueling day filled with meetings and royal events, I found myself sitting on the edge of our bed, my thoughts swirling in a haze of uncertainty. The reality of our new life was both exhilarating and daunting. I could feel the anticipation building inside me, yet the pressure to perform my duties weighed heavily on my heart.

Conrad entered the room, looking weary but still radiating a warmth that drew me to him. “You okay?” he asked, concern etched in his features as he took a seat beside me.

I sighed, leaning into him. “I don’t know how we’re going to manage all of this, Conrad. The council wants so much from us, and I feel like we’re being pulled in every direction.”

He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close. “I know. But we’ll get through it. We always do. Our family is our priority now, and I’ll fight to ensure we have the time we need to prepare for this baby.”

His resolve brought a sense of comfort, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of anxiety that lingered. “I just want to be a good mother, a good queen. I don’t want to fail either of those roles.”

Conrad turned to face me, his eyes piercing through the fog of doubt. “You won’t fail. You’re already doing so much just by being you. The love you have for our child is evident. We’re in this together, remember?”

I nodded, feeling a flicker of hope ignite within me. “Together,” I echoed softly.

Over the next few weeks, we continued our balancing act, attending royal functions during the day and cherishing our time together in the evenings. I reveled in the joy of planning for our child, imagining the laughter that would fill our halls and the love that would envelop our family.

But there were moments when the pressure felt insurmountable, and I could sense Conrad’s tension rising. As the days passed, it became evident that he needed to finalize a few tasks before he could fully step back and embrace his new role as a father.

One evening, as I watched him pore over documents in his study, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of admiration and concern. “Conrad,” I said softly, approaching him. “You’ve been working so hard. Are you sure you’re ready to take a break? You need time to relax before the baby arrives.”

He looked up, his eyes weary yet filled with determination. “I want to be there for you and our child, but I need to ensure everything is in place before I do. The council relies on me, and I won’t let them down.”

His dedication was inspiring, but I could see the toll it was taking on him. “You’re not alone in this, you know. We’re a team.”

“I know, and I appreciate you more than you can imagine,” he replied, his voice earnest. “But right now, I have to focus on the kingdom. I want to make sure I can provide for you both, and that means finishing this work first.”

As I watched him return to his papers, I felt a pang of longing. I wanted him to share in the joy of our child’s arrival, to be fully present and engaged. But I understood his responsibilities as well.

“Just promise me you won’t work too late,” I said, hoping to ease the tension. “I want you to be well-rested when our baby arrives.”

He smiled at me, the warmth returning to his gaze. “I promise. Just a few more days, and then I’ll take a step back. We can figure out everything together.”

With a sense of understanding, I leaned in to kiss him softly. The connection between us felt stronger than ever, a reminder that even amid the chaos, our love would guide us through.

As the weeks continued to unfold, we navigated the complexities of ruling a kingdom while preparing for the arrival of our child. There were challenges, but we faced them hand in hand, drawing strength from one another as we eagerly anticipated the new chapter that awaited us.

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