Chapter 3

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The first rays of dawn filtered through the heavy drapes of my chamber, casting a soft glow over the room. I had barely slept the night before, my mind consumed by thoughts of today. My wedding day. The day I would meet King Conrad for the first time and be bound to him for the rest of my life.

I stared at the ornate ceiling above me, the intricate carvings blurring as my thoughts raced. The reality of it all was overwhelming. Just days ago, I was Bernadette, an orphan girl at the Academy. Now, I was Rosalie, a soon-to-be queen. Everything was happening so fast, and I still hadn’t met the man I was about to marry.

A soft knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts.

"Your Highness?" Anna’s voice was gentle as she stepped into the room. “It’s time to begin preparations.”

I sat up slowly, the weight of the day settling on my shoulders. “I suppose it is,” I murmured, pushing the covers aside.

Anna moved gracefully around the room, gathering the items needed for my transformation. The wedding gown, a masterpiece of silk and lace, hung on a nearby mannequin, its sheer elegance daunting. The bodice was intricately embroidered with tiny silver threads, and the full skirt flowed like a river of fabric. It was beautiful, but it felt more like a costume than something I wanted to wear on such an important day.

I stood silently as Anna helped me into the gown, her hands quick and practiced. The fabric was cool against my skin, and as the corset tightened around my waist, I felt a pang of nervousness settle in my stomach. Today was the day I would meet my husband. My future.

Once the dress was secured, Anna moved to my hair, twisting and pinning it into an elaborate style that was both regal and delicate. She worked with quiet efficiency, but I could feel her eyes on me, sensing my unease.

“Are you nervous, Your Highness?” she asked softly as she placed the final pin.

I looked at her through the mirror, my reflection almost unrecognizable. “I suppose I am,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

Anna offered a small, reassuring smile. “It’s natural to feel that way. But you’ve been prepared for this day your whole life. You will make a fine queen.”

I nodded, though her words did little to soothe my nerves. I had been trained for this, yes, but nothing could have prepared me for the emotions swirling inside me. Today was the culmination of everything I had worked for, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was walking into the unknown.

Another knock at the door interrupted us. This time, it was a member of the palace staff, a man in a formal uniform who had clearly been sent to escort me.

“Your Highness,” he said with a bow, “The ceremony is about to begin. If you would follow me.”

Anna adjusted the last few folds of my gown and stepped back, her hands folded neatly in front of her. “You look beautiful, Your Highness,” she said softly.

With a final glance at myself in the mirror, I inhaled deeply and gave a small nod. "Thank you," I whispered, though I wasn’t sure if I was thanking her or trying to steady myself.

The hallways blurred as I walked, my steps quiet against the grand marble floors. The palace was vast, and every corridor seemed more elaborate than the last. Gilded mirrors and ornate chandeliers stretched endlessly above me, and I caught glimpses of my reflection, ghostly in white.

The closer we got to the grand ballroom, the louder my heartbeat grew, a steady drum of anxiety in my chest. I couldn’t hear much beyond the low murmur of voices, but I knew that just beyond those walls, hundreds of people were waiting to witness the union of Eldoria’s king and his new queen.

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