Chapter 7

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The early morning light streamed through the tall windows of my chambers, casting a soft glow on the ornate walls. I lay still beneath the plush covers, the warmth cocooning me in comfort, yet a storm brewed within. Today was the last day of our honeymoon—the final day before Conrad and I would return to Eldoria as its King and Queen.

But more than that, today was the last day we had to consummate our marriage.

The thought pressed heavily on my chest. For days, the anticipation had loomed over us like a thick fog, clouding the joy of our new life together with an urgent expectation. The customs of Eldoria were clear—our marriage had to be fulfilled, sealed before we returned to the palace. I understood the weight of this, the significance it held not only for us but for the kingdom as well.

I sat up slowly, my heart racing as I ran a trembling hand through my hair. I wasn’t the terrified girl who had stepped into the grand halls of this palace just days ago. The girl who had clutched her dress, anxiety bubbling in her throat as she walked down the aisle to meet a man she barely knew. No, I had seen more of Conrad’s character during our time together, the quiet strength he carried, the patience he showed, and the warmth in his dark eyes whenever he looked at me.

But I was still filled with uncertainty. The idea of intimacy with someone who had once been a stranger terrified me. And yet, as I lay there, I felt a shift within me. I had come to admire Conrad not only as my husband but as a man of honor and respect. He deserved a queen who was brave and confident, and today, I resolved that I would be that queen.

With determination brewing inside me, I threw the covers off and dressed quickly in a soft, flowing gown that draped around me like a gentle embrace. I didn’t wait for Anna, my maid, this morning. I needed to speak to Conrad, to show him that I was ready to face this day head-on, no matter how daunting it felt.

As I walked through the marble corridors, the sound of my bare feet echoed softly against the polished floor. The palace was still quiet, the servants not yet stirring, and the stillness gave me a moment of peace to collect my thoughts. I needed him to understand that I was prepared, that I was determined to fulfill my role as his wife.

When I reached Conrad’s chambers, I hesitated for only a heartbeat before knocking softly on the door.

“Come in,” he called, his voice warm and inviting.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open and stepped inside. Conrad stood by the window, the morning light casting a soft halo around him. He was dressed in his morning attire, the fabric hugging his tall frame perfectly, and for a moment, I was struck by how handsome he looked. He turned as I entered, surprise flickering across his features.

“Rosalie?” he asked, his brow furrowing in concern. “Is everything alright?”

I nodded, though my hands trembled slightly as I clasped them together. “I... I wanted to speak with you.”

He approached me, his expression shifting from concern to curiosity. “Of course. What’s on your mind?”

I swallowed hard, fighting the flutter of nerves that threatened to undo me. “I know that tonight is the last night we have to... consummate our marriage,” I began, my voice trembling slightly as the words left my lips. “And I want you to know that I will be ready. I won’t be nervous anymore. I’ve thought about this, and I want to fulfill my duty to you and to Eldoria.”

Conrad’s expression softened, and he took a step closer, his eyes searching mine as if looking for the truth in my words. “Rosalie, you don’t have to rush this,” he said gently. “I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

“I know,” I said quickly, my heart racing. “But it’s not about pressure. It’s about understanding what’s expected of me, of us. I don’t want you to think I’m afraid anymore.”

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