Chapter 19 - Jax

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I can't believe she did it. Every remnant of her existence, the creeping feeling of her presence that lingered under my skin, the scent I kept close to remind me of her—it's all gone. It's as if everything about her has vanished. The once sudden urge to find her has dissipated into nothingness.

As Drake moves forward with his attack, I realize this isn't an attack at all; it's a warning. He doesn't strike, just watches us, his presence heavy with unspoken threats. I followed Ashton and the others out here when the pain in my chest subsided. They had moved without me first, but I knew the pack needed me. I can't disappoint them. They're all like family to me, and the very idea of family twists painfully in my gut. I wanted Harper to be family.

Drake strides forward in human form, his confidence radiating as he approaches us. Meanwhile, the rest of his pack stands in wolf form, growling lowly, their eyes locked onto us, waiting for the command. The tension in the air is thick enough to slice through, and I feel every heartbeat echoing in my ears. None of us are in wolf form yet, we don't want to attack.

I stand there, paralyzed, watching, waiting for Drake to reveal the truth. I need him to tell me that she is dead. But deep down, I know she wouldn't have performed the spell. He would have killed her first. She wouldn't betray me; she couldn't. The uncertainty gnaws at me, each passing moment swelling in my chest.

Drake has a look of triumph on his face. Ashton pushes Eden behind him, and Spencer and I stand next to him, ready for whatever might come. Ashton told Eden not to come, but she isn't one to stay behind in these moments, she is the perfect Luna standing up for her pack when she must.

Ashton must have given her a command with his look, she just looks back at him. "I am not leaving." She replies.

She grabs Ashton's arm and kisses it, a sweet gesture that ignites a flicker of concern in me. I need to know if Harper is okay.

"Good to see you, Ashton. Eden." Drake gives her a personal wave, but Ashton growls, and Eden holds on to him, calming him with her presence.

"Look, I haven't come here for her. She and I are over, well, for now anyway," Drake says, his voice strained with lust. I grab Ashton's arm, pushing him back, feeling the tension rise in the air. "I have come here for the Prince." How does he know? Harper, please tell me no.

"You can't have him!" Ashton shouts, anger flaring in his eyes. I sense he's hiding something from everyone, even Spencer, who looks equally surprised. The only reason I know is that Harper told me. Nora's face catches my attention; she seems to know more than the rest of us.

"I'm happy to make this easier for you. Maybe a trade? The Prince for some information about Tobias," Drake suggests, his tone calculated. Ashton's expression shifts, and we all hold our breath, waiting for his reaction. He can't hide it—the desperation to find out about Tobias is palpable. It's the reason we have all this chaos, the reason for Eden's existence as well.

"What about him?" Eden is the first to break the silence.

"Eden, I knew you would be a strong Luna. Most Lunas wouldn't speak for their Alpha. I see he hasn't tamed you yet." I can't help but growl at that; Eden doesn't need to be tamed. She is the best Luna we could have.

"Ahh, lover boy. Glad to see you got back. Look, I either get what I want, or I kill her." He directs his words at me, and my stomach drops. She isn't dead yet, but I don't know how to feel. I feel worse knowing she did the spell instead, that she let us go to save herself. But he doesn't know that. Eden's words have always been the strongest in our pack; when she was a lawyer, she knew how to get what she wanted. We wolves just growl and hunt.

"Is she okay?" She blurts out, desperation creeping into her voice.

"Ohh, Eden, it's endearing that you care. Since she betrayed you for me," Drake taunts, a smirk curling his lips.

"I am well aware of the betrayal, but that isn't what I asked you." Eden holds her ground, her voice steady despite the tension crackling in the air.

"She is fine, for now. Now hand over the Prince, and I won't hurt her. And to sweeten the deal, I'll give you some information you've been looking for." He turns to Ashton this time, his gaze piercing.

Ashton is not sure what to do; for once, uncertainty flickers in his eyes. He's always been our rock, the perfect Alpha, fiercely protective of us. I can see the wheels turning in his mind, weighing the risks against the potential gain. The silence stretches that feel like forever.

"Information first, and then the Prince," Ashton counters, and I can see Nora's concern etched on her face as she turns to Ashton. "Ashton, you can't be serious."

"Nora, not now," he snaps, but I can see the internal struggle in his eyes, the weight of our situation pressing down on all of us.

"Okay, but you're going to need the Prince for it. He's the one who would know more than me." Ashton scans the crowd, his expression tense, and finally locks eyes with the doctor stepping forward.

Drake bows slightly, his voice dripping with mock respect. "Your majesty." The room falls silent, the atmosphere thick with disbelief, except for Ashton and Nora, who exchange worried glances, their concern visible.

"I don't know anything; what are you talking about?" Oliver stammers, his eyes darting around the room as if searching for an escape. He looks smaller somehow, caught off guard by the sudden attention.

"No, but your parents will," Drake replies, and a chill runs down my spine, settling heavily in my stomach.

"What is he saying?" Eden's voice trembles with confusion, echoing the uncertainty swirling around us.

"He is saying that I need to go back," Oliver mutters, his voice barely above a whisper. Nora rushes over to him, desperation etched on her face. "No, please, don't do this!"

They embrace tightly, and Spencer gently pulls her away, his expression a mixture of protectiveness and sadness. I can see the pain in Nora's eyes as she watches the doctor prepare to make an impossible choice.

"If I go with you, you can't hurt Harper," Oliver pleads, his voice steady but tinged with fear. Drake's eyes narrow, cold and calculating.

"You are in no position to bargain with me. But yes, I won't hurt her." Oliver looks back at Ashton, his resolve faltering. "I will find what I know."

As Oliver steps forward, striding toward Drake with a determined intensity, I feel Nora's panic spike, her voice piercing the tense air as she screams for him. "No, Oliver! Don't do this! Please!" The desperation in her words sends tingles through the room, a ripple of emotion that draws everyone's attention.

Nora doesn't beg; this isn't just a fleeting crush. There's something deeper, something powerful between them that I've overlooked in my distractions. I can't believe I missed this connection; it's been lurking beneath the surface, hidden in plain sight. Despite Nora spending so much time at the bar, their secrets have remained concealed from us all.

The realization hits me hard—what else have I missed while I've been so focused on Harper and the chaos surrounding us? It feels like the ground is shifting beneath me, and I know that if I don't act quickly, I could lose everything I care about.

I feel like I've let them all down, as if my inability to see the bigger picture has put us all at risk. The weight of responsibility presses down on my shoulders, and I silently vow to fight for them, to reclaim what we've lost before it's too late.

Harper. She let us go, and now I need to let her go too. I have other responsibilities that are now just as important.

Drake and his pack leave us all in a state of shock and confusion, the air thick with unspoken fears and unanswered questions.

Ashton is the first to turn, his expression resolute. "Pack house now." He glances at Nora, still held close by Spencer, whose eyes are clouded with sadness. "We will get him back."

His words resonate with determination. We all follow.  

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