Chapter 2

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< (Y/N)'s POV >

I walked with Natsu down to the Train Station, seeing two wizards standing there with exceeds. I quickly recognized one with a smile, "Rouge!" I called, starting to run towards them.

They both turned around and Rouge softly smiled,"Hello (Y/N)." He said.

Natsu quickly caught my shoulder,"You know them? Sting and Rouge?" He asked, looking at the blonde.

I nodded and ripped my shoulder out of his grip,"I know Rouge. Not Sting though." I said, walking to Rouge's side. I looked at who I guessed was Sting, the blonde,"So your Sting? I'm (Y/N) and I'm Rouge's cousin." I said, smiling.

"Your WHAT?!" Natsu yelled, giving me a Your-kidding-right? face.

I smiled,"I thought I told you that... Huh. Must've forgot." I shrugged my shoulders, "Oops."

Sting looked at Rouge,"You have a cousin?" He asked, crossing his arms.

Rouge nodded,"(Y/N). She's my cousin." He said in a duh tone.

I stifled a laugh, and Sting gave me a look,"I'm sorry I didn't know." He said in a sarcastic tone.

I smiled and laughed, raising my hands, "Whatever man. Whatever." I grabbed the job paper,"So we all have to take the train," I could almost hear Natsu groan. Oh wait. I did,"To the job site where we'll learn about whatever the hell we have to do. Clear?"

Natsu groaned again,"Can we just walk? Its not that far." He argued.

"No. We aren't walking." I said, giving Natsu a chilling glare much like Erza's.

He gulped,"You scare me more and more everyday."

"Good. Now c'mon, the trains leaving soon." I said, walking towards the train.

Once we boarded the train Natsu was as hyper as can be. Then it started. He immediately was on the seats about to puke, Sting and Rouge were fairing pretty well considering I knew Rouge was a Shadow Dragon slayer and Sting had told me he was a White Dragon slayer. I had no side effects from my magic this drastic, just a pain if any of the Dragons are forced back into their world. Natsu groaned and puked out the window, making me sigh and stand, hitting him in the back of the head with the palm of my hand and I watched as he passed out onto the seat. I looked at Sting and Rouge, noticing both of them were fine currently. I grabbed an unconscious Natsu and moved him into an upright position in his seat, watching as he fell into my lap anyway, since he seat was next to mine. This was going to be a long trip.

< Timeskip~<
< Same POV >

Natsu sprung up almost immediately as the train stopped, all signs of his motion sickness gone. Sting and Rouge were the same, both looking alot better then when they were motion sick on the train. It had been a long, 9 hour trip since the job site was so far away but they made it through quiet easily. I had stood up, stretching my back before walking, my key dangling at my side making a small klinking noise as I walked with everyone. Sting finally pipped up,"Hey (Y/N)? Where are we going?"

I looked at him then grabbed the job paper, "Well it says that we should be heading to the mansion in the center of town to talk to whoever the hell wants our help." I looked up and forward,"So right there." I raised a hand to a large, marble mansion. It was very, very decorative as in it had small dragons climbing around the front doorway, some breathing fire and others not, just snarling and bearing their teeth. I looked up to the roof, seeing an array of dragons that looked much like my own, my hand going to my side and touching the single key.

I moved my hand quickly, I never use his key unless its an extreme emergency. Natsu grinned,"Whoa! Those are dragons! I don't see Igneel though..." He said, looking at all of the statues.

I took a breath,"C'mon Fire Breath. Let's go inside" I started walking towards the doors, my keys once again jingling at my side as I moved my hands to the door and opened them.


Guys I'm so sorry this took so long! I had a ton of shit to deal with! Sorry! I'll try and update faster!

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