Chapter 14

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< (Y/N)'s POV >

"I'M GONNA KILL 'IM!!" I shouted, about to launch down the stairs at Joker.

Sting quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me back,"Yeah, don't do that. He's not worth the time."

I still struggled against his grip, pissed off at this asshat who decided to cross me. I said nothing, but eventually relaxed when a familiar soul started yipping at my feet,"Hey, Lelo."

He yipped, staring up at me with his bright eyes, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he had a doggish grin. Sting let go of me, and I instantly picked up my little corgi, starting to walk past Sting and back up to my room. Screw the mission I was planning on going on, I wouldn't be able to think straight anyways.

Walking in, Lelo dashed onto my couch and turned in two... Three circles before plopping down, his head down but his eyes still staring at me, beckoning me to sit down next to him and pet him.

I obliged, plopping down next to him and putting my hand on his back, petting him. Groaning, I let my head fall back, almost screaming when another was in front of my face, but they covered my mouth quickly, a finger over their lips.

Staring at him with glaring eyes, Lelo went nuts, yipping up a storm until I held up a finger, and he silenced, sitting down obediently. I ripped the hand away from my mouth,"What do you want now? To ruin my life here, too?" I hissed, standing and moving away from the green-eyed freak.

"What, am I not allowed to be here checking in on my little sis?" He asked, standing up and sliding onto the couch, his arms reclined back onto the top of the short couch.

"No, actually, because, one, I'm not your sister, and two, this is my home and that's weird! You can't just bust in here when you please!" I said harshly, throwing my arms about while throwing a small fit.

Crossing my arms over my chest, he merely chuckled,"I think I can. Have you gone to where mom died yet?" He asked, changing the topic completely.

My anger instantly dropped, but I still glared at him,"No, and frankly I don't believe you know where my mom died."

"That key hanging from your hip is saying otherwise." He said, giving me a look that said "Try me biotch."

"Just leave me alone! I don't want your stupid problems getting dumped onto my already crappy life! I had to leave all my friends because I almost killed my best because you possessed me! You're the reason I'm at the guild I'm not even apart of! You're the reason my life sucks right now! Just leave!" I snapped, tears forming in my flaming eyes, a soul managing to flutter up my arm and look like I was summoning a black flame to dance up my arm. My posture was bent, my eyes were pissed, and my teeth were bared,"LEAVE!"

Within seconds of me throwing a black orb of shadows at him, Kylo was gone, off of my couch, out of my life.

Falling to my knees, the soul disappeared from my arm and my hands covered my face. Feeling warm tears slide down my face, I stayed crumpled in that spot, my weaker side showing, the one that I despise... (THE MONSTER THAT I DESPISEEEEEE
Natewantstobattle reference XD)

Standing up, my more violent side took over, and I punched a wall angrily, before just allowing my fist to hover in the hole that it had made, my head drooping down. Shaking a bit, I slid to the floor again, covering my face and allowing all of the tears to fall.

A voice called out from behind my locked door, and I sprung up and went into my bedroom, slamming and locking the door behind me, before curling into a ball in the corner of the room. I had my knees to my chest as I flinched from the sound of my door being broken open, and the voice called out again, still blurry and muffled.

Shaking in the corner, I prayed to god that it wouldn't be someone trying to steal my stuff, because everyone knows that Theives call out their entry, stupid (Y/N) stup-

My thoughts were cut short by someone bursting into my room,"(Y/N)?!" Sting's voice called out, concerned.

I huddled into the corner more, praying he didn't see me. I clenched my knees close to my chest, and didn't move after burying my face into my legs.

Cursing in my head, I heard his feet moving about the room, looking for me. I sat still, mentally wanting to punch a hole through Kylo for being such an as-

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Oh thank god, I thought you were gone." Sting said, finally finding me. I didn't look up, and his voice suddenly got stressed,"Hey, what's wrong? Are you alright?"

Not looking up, I looked to the side instead, "I'm fine." I said, my voice cracking and betraying me.

Sting came over and crouched in front of the side I was turned to, looking at me with a confused look,"I know the difference between the good side of you, and this one. What's wrong?" He asked again.

I met his eyes, and regretted it, looking down at the floor and shaking my head,"It's fine. I need some new doors though, huh?" I joked weakly, smiling for about a second.

"True, I'm gonna have to get those fixed. If you don't want to talk about it, just say the word."

"The word."

(I'm not sorry at all for that awful pun)



April fools an' whatever.

My friend was an assbag and decided to tell my friends and I that he was moving out of the school district, then told us yesterday "APRIL FOOLS BITCH!! IM NOT MOVING!!"


We ignored him for a day and a half

I hate April Fools now

Thank you Sammy

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