Chapter 11

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< (Y/N)'s POV >

"(Y/N)-Sannnnnn~! You're home!"

'Home? My home was destroyed, and I definitely didn't have a little sister....

Did I?'

I went to move, but a tall man with black hair, drooping over one eye and light green eyes. He was wearing a long cloak, a black shirt with black pants, almost jeans, and a pair of dress shoes.

His green eye shone as he stared down at me. He looked familiar, why was that?

As I turned my head, not wanting to look at this man, he grabbed my chin and made me look at him,"Now, dear sister, the fun begins."

"You're disgusting. I don't have any family left, blood relatives wise." I spit, growling.

He simply chuckled,"My, my, you've gotten feisty over the years, haven't you?"

He paused,"But, a deals a deal," He sighed, and let go of my chin,"You've come here for your friends, correct?"

"Why do you know that?!" I said defensively, my (E/C) eyes staring into his green ones harshly.

"Stop resisting, it'll go quicker." He snarled, before regaining his composure,"Levi Garden, Lucy Heartfillia, Erza Scarlett, and the Metal Dragon. I know where they all are, and, before you make assumptions," He sighed, and turned his head, looking out a window I hadn't yet noticed,"I didn't kidnap them personally, I was used as a pawn, but that's all. I'm on your side, really. But-"

"(Y/N)-SAN!" A small, cute voice called out. A small girl, looking around the age of seven or eight with long, curly black hair and light blue eyes ran through a doorway and lept at me, grabbing me in a tight hug,"YOU'RE BACK, SISSY!" She cheered, giggling as she held me as if I had left her.

'Sissy? What's wrong with these people? I don't have any siblings! The only blood family I had was my parents, and they're dead!'

"That's not true, sissy. Me and Kylo are your family!" She cheered, and the man, Kylo I assumed, facepalmed.

"Rose, for the thousandth time, you can't just read people's minds! It's rude!" He said, as if annoyed.

Gently picking the girl up, and setting her on the ground, I said quietly,"I don't have any family, stop trying to put false hope into my head." I aimed it at Kylo, furious that people would mess with my emotions like this.

"It's true, you don't believe us, though, so I'll prove it." Kylo said bravely.

"Tell me about my family, my dad and my mom." I challenged, crossing my arms, almost positive he wouldn't get anything.

"Well, our father was a part of the Royal Guard, he protected the King personally with his magic, which you recieved when you were born. He taught you how to summon your spirits, and the only one you successfully summoned was a small corgi you named Kilo, right?"

"Anyone could know that if they can read my mind." I said simply, but I was covering the fact I wanted to scream. No one could know that this easily.

"Our mom was a great mage!" Rose piped up,"She helped a guild called Blue Pegasus till she met our dad on a mission, and fell in love! She could read minds, too, and she could use the elements as a magic! She was really cool, and helped Blue Pegasus win a lot, 'till she left, and they got beat by Fairytail in a week!"

"Ok, creepy, but true." I said truthfully. I hadn't realized I had been backing up, until I hit the wall. These two truly scared me, and I wanted to leave as soon as possible,"Just tell me where my friends are and let me go." I muttered under my breath, looking down.

"The same place mom died. There's a house on the outskirts of that forest, it was used by some people as a gathering point when there were town meetings, and mom and dad had to leave." Kylo sighed, and walked over to Rose, and picked her up.

"B      Y       E

S      I       S"


Next thing I knew, I was far away from Kylo and Rose, I was standing in front of the guild hall.

There was barely any audible noise, which was odd for Fairytail. You'd always hear the happy chatting or loud threats flying around from miles away.

Now, though,


I didn't like it.

I walked through the doors, and saw the guild all huddled by the stairs to the upper level, which led to the infirmary, where we took care of the sick.

Natsu stood in front of the doorway, staring in,"Mira, how's Lia? (Y/N) would be devastated if she came back and found out she killed her best friend."

"She's doing fine, for now. Still breathing, heart still beating. Seems as though Lia will be fine, but we have to make sure nothing like this can happen again." Mira's sweet voice rang, echoing through the large and empty guildhall.

"What's wrong with Lia?" I spoke up, and flinched as everyone's eyes shot over to me.

The next thing I knew, a figure was holding me,"Never leave again us again, (Y/N)-san. We were all worried sick!"

"I'm sorry, Wendy. I couldn't control myself." I hugged the small dragon-slayer back, feeling her tears as they fell onto my shirt.

As I stood there, I waited for Natsu's loud voice to sound through the guildhall.

It didn't.

He stood up there, eyes wide and staring down at me. I felt as if I'd done something wrong, as if I...



'No! I didn't actually kill Lia, right?!'

Wendy's small frame was slowly moved away, and a forehead leaned against mine, "(Y/N), please don't ever scare me like that again." Natsu's voice was low, and he had a hand on my shoulder as if to make sure he wasn't dreaming.









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