Chapter 9

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A/n: The above is my dog bein' fancy and strikin' a pose XD

< (Y/N)'s POV>

Flashback still~~

Little did I know, that I wouldn't find him easily. Stopping at nearby towns and villages, they always told me there was a sighting of a young boy occasionally, but he was never seen long.

I had almost lost hope, but I continued stumbling on, no clue as to where I was going.

Day went by, then the night took over. I slept, comforted by a small dog spirit I tended to summon back then. He was a small corgi named Lelo, his bright eyes seemed filled with life, despite being a young soul.

He always stayed by my side, even when I was in trouble, he would stand in front of me and absorb hits, protecting me. I always hate having him attack, but that little corgi can do a lot in a few seconds.

Lelo walked beside me as the key hung limply from my hand, I didn't attempt to hold it fully and firmly anymore. That key was the one thing that killed my mother.

I hated it.

The beast inside tended to notice this, and try to break out of the key. I held it at bay. I never wanted to see him again.

Never for as long as I lived.

Walking with Lelo tended to calm me, soothe my aching soul. We stopped in front of a pitch black cave,"Lelo, it shouldn't be this dark right now, should it?"

Lelo shook his head, letting out a small yip of confirmation.

I figured as much. I was going to leave, but my curiosity was too big, I needed to see what was in there.

Walking in, Lelo watched me for a second, before trotting after me. I smiled internally, but I was too scared to actually smile at him. It felt like death was here, shadows and anger and frustration all in on step.

I froze halfway in. There definitely wasn't anything here. Right?

Definitely not.

Turning around, I started to walk out, but my arm was quickly grabbed, and Lelo went off barking his shrill little bark.

Whipping around, I was faced with someone I had lost all hope of finding,"Rogue!"

He gave a small smile. He seemed so much older then me now, instead of only two years older.

I instantly wrapped my arms around him, tears slowly making their way down my face. I said nothing, and he hugged me back.

Lelo whined as if wanting to know if this guy was hurting me, since he saw my tears. Rogue looked down at Lelo and smiled, as if saying "She's fine" to the little dog.

Everything after that went haywire as I felt a soul rush into my body, and I fell to my knees, and I gripped the sides of my head, my face contorting in pain. Lelo went crazy, but it sounded distant and blurry...

Rogue shook me, now kneeling down in front of me. He kept calling my name, I could tell, but I couldn't hear it...

Then, everything went black.

End of Flashback~~

"Hey, (Y/N), we're back." Sting's voice rang in front of me.

My head shot up at the sudden ending to my little "dream" and I cracked Sting's forehead with my own,"Ow! Uh, sorry Sting." I put a hand to my now stinging forehead, wincing, and putting it back at my side and standing up.

"Nah, it's fine. It was my fault too." He stood up, and flashed me a dashing smile,"Natsu and Rogue are already off the train, I had to wake you up."

"Then let's go!" I smiled back, and walked behind him, getting off the train.

Natsu looked over at me calmly, and then narrowed his eyes,"Sting did you touch her?"

"What?! No! Not weirdly anyway, what kind of question is that?!" Sting yelled, shocked.

Natsu shrugged, before looking at me, "C'mon (Y/N), I'm sure Fairytail misses us!" He said cheerfully.

"Alright. Seeya, Sting, Rogue." I waved at them both, and headed off with Natsu.

Rogue watched me go before I got a distance away, and I still heard him say to Sting,"He's jealous, don't worry about it. Let's go."

Jealous? Of what?

"Hey, you zoned." Natsu's face was an inch away from mine, and worry was etched into it.

I jumped from the suddenness of him being right there,"I'm fine. Just thinking about girl stuff, I guess." I said awkwardly, blushing at how close he was.

"Alright! Race ya back!" He grinned and started off, making me laugh and chase after him.

Well, that was a quick change of mood.

I grumbled to myself mentally, chasing Natsu. I forgot something! I'm super out of shape, well, not super, just lazy.

He easily won, and we both laughed as we entered the guild hall, which was oddly quiet.

I instantly knew something was wrong, "Why's it so quiet?"

Mira looked at me, tears in her eyes,"Lucy, Erza, and Levy were kidnapped."



I tried...

Sorry if it sucks...

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