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Cat Claw

Size And Weight- 1

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Size And Weight- 1.13m long, 13kg

Age- 50

Gender Ratio- 50 ( Male )/50 ( Female )

Body Type- Feline

Litter Count- 3-6

Build- Wooden, viny cat with thorns and yellow flowers, their tail has built in stinger, a mane of yellow petals

Speed- 80kmph

Diet- Photosynthesis, Carnivorous

Environment- Shallow Forests, Crumbled Towns, Outskirts


Offensives/Defenses- Venomous sting, retractable claws

Prey- Small fish, Small mammals, small birds, frogs and toads, small lizards, spiders

Predators- Lobisomem Wolves, Bird Eating Spiders, Black Caiman, Jaguars, Pirarucu


A cat-like plant from the Cat Claw Vine, these felines are commonly found in the shallow and open part of the forests, terrorizing a wide portion of small animals.

Equipped with a stinger on their tail, Cat Claws have a venom that induces nausea and dizziness, making it easier for them to either run from predators, or hunt prey.



Celery Stalker

Size And Weight- 2

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Size And Weight- 2.3m, 61kg

Age- 80

Gender Ratio- 60/40

Body Type- 2 sticks of celery

Litter Count- 2-4

Build- 2 pairs of celery, rooted plant, thick celery arms

Speed- 220kmph

Diet- Photosynthesis

Environment- Deep Forest, Shallow Forests, Caves

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