A summary of the many Plants which reside in the Ruin Cities and with over almanac 100 plants species who all share the clustered, overgrown Region that is The Ruined Cites, considered to the home of ambush predators, you'll find that these many pla...
Prey- Small fish, Small mammals, small birds, frogs and toads, small lizards, spiders
Predators- Lobisomem Wolves, Bird Eating Spiders, Black Caiman, Jaguars, Pirarucu
A cat-like plant from the Cat Claw Vine, these felines are commonly found in the shallow and open part of the forests, terrorizing a wide portion of small animals.
Equipped with a stinger on their tail, Cat Claws have a venom that induces nausea and dizziness, making it easier for them to either run from predators, or hunt prey.
Celery Stalker
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Size And Weight- 2.3m, 61kg
Age- 80
Gender Ratio- 60/40
Body Type- 2 sticks of celery
Litter Count- 2-4
Build- 2 pairs of celery, rooted plant, thick celery arms