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( This chapter was rather late despite being a short one. I was busy with other projects and unfortunately, the next chapter is gonna take a while too. The S's have a whooping 23 entries, the most Plants for an entry by far in this almanac. )


Size And Weight- 1

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Size And Weight- 1.5m long, 43kg

Age- 100

Gender Ratio- 40/60

Body Type- Rafflesia

Litter Count- 2-4

Build- Rafflesia with some eyes and mouth, that's all I got

Speed- 14kmph

Diet- Photosynthesis, Carnivorous

Environment- Deep Forest, Shallow Forests

Offensives/Defenses- Release Poisonous spores in the air

Prey- Mammals, Birds



Both Poisonous to consume and able to fire Poisonous spores in the air, these fumes are extremely deadly and can kill something as large as Giant Ground Cyclops within 30 Minutes.

Suffice to say, the much smaller animals they go after drop within seconds, maybe a minute at most. Once their prey has dropped dead, they'll walk over and consume it with the mouth in the center of their head.

Symptoms of poison include mass organ failure. Yes, it just shuts down the body, all except the nose. Regularly referred to as Corpse Flowers, before death, those who have been hit with the spores have claimed the most rotten and vile smell hits their nose, as though they were swimming in a pool of decaying corpses. How lovely.



Red Stinger

Size And Weight- 4

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Size And Weight- 4.41m long, 234kg

Age- 500

Gender Ratio- 50/50

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2024 ⏰

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