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Forest Cattail

Size And Weight- 135cm tall, 37kg ( Terrestrial form ) 2

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Size And Weight- 135cm tall, 37kg ( Terrestrial form ) 2.9m long, 120kg ( Aquatic Form )

Age- 75

Gender Ratio- 0 ( Male )/100 ( Female )

Body Type- Water servant

Litter Count- 2-5

Build- A long servant with a green body fading into white, a long spiny dorsal and pelvic fins, sharply shaped pectoral and caudal fins, long tail ending with a red stinger, patterned green hood, long shape snout

Speed- 12kmph ( On land ) 440kmph ( Underwater )

Diet- Photosynthesis

Environment- Rivers, Flooded Swamps


Offensives/Defences- Highly venomous, Fires homing spikes when it their land form, fast as fuck ( Underwater ), 353psi biteforce

Prey- Small fish, Crustation

Predators- Black Caiman, Green Anacondas, Pirarucus, Jaguars, Black Jaguars, Lobisomen Wolves


The Ruined Cities variant of the Cattail ( Cough cough, and the species of the main protagonist of my comic, cough cough ), they're both bigger and pack more of a punch with their venom.

Their venom is quite simple really. In layman's terms, they cause extreme blood clout. The good thing is that the venom doesn't spread much. The bad news, Cattails have homing ammunition when on land, of which is most likely to hit you in the chest.

Their main and more common form however, is a large water servant, similar to a swordfish. When in this form, they can no longer fire spikes and instead use a stinger attached to a 6m tail to inject predators or prey with their venom.

Cattails are also known for being able to create small air bubbles for non-aquatic Plants.

Ali-Mint, Spear-Mint


Forest Lanterncherry

Forest Lanterncherry

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