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Dazey Chain

Size And Weight- 1

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Size And Weight- 1.2m tall, 60kg

Age- 100

Gender Ratio- 50 ( Male )/50 ( Female )

Body Type- Triplet flowers

Litter Count- 2-4

Build- I'll make it up

Speed- 13kmph

Diet- Photosynthesis

Environment- Shallow Forests, Crumbling Towns, Deep Forests


Offensives/Defenses- Each head fires a different type of poisonous smog.


Predators- Black Jaguars


A highly poisonous plant which utilizes 3 different kinds of poisons. The first head fires a smog similar to that of a Stallia Mane, only much less effective. The poison temporarily shuts part of the nerve system down, mainly the part which affects movement.

The second poison clouds senses, making each one completely unreliable.

The third is crack, basically. So, you can't move, your senses have gone out to get some milk, and you're absolutely off your rocker and cooked up higher than a red-nosed reindeer.


Dead Spore Amorphophallus

****Dead Spore Amorphophallus

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Size And Weight- 21.3m long, 7.4t

Age- 10000

Gender Ratio- 50/50

Body Type- Corpse Flower

Litter Count- 1

Build- Giant corpse flower, Flamethrower-type weapon one arm and massive mace on the other, 4 hooked shaped legs, Spine of thorns ( This definitely didn't stick )

Speed- 75kmph

Diet- Photosynthesis

Environment- Crumbled Cities, Caves, Catacombs ( Ruined Cities )

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