A summary of the many Plants which reside in the Ruin Cities and with over almanac 100 plants species who all share the clustered, overgrown Region that is The Ruined Cites, considered to the home of ambush predators, you'll find that these many pla...
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Size And Weight- 3.2m, 77kg
Age- 125
Gender Ratio- 50 ( Male )/50 ( Female )
Body Type- Lettuce
Litter Count- 2-4
Build- Long stem, A thick lettuce-head covered in butter
Speed- 26kmph
Diet- Photosynthesis
Environment- Deep Forests, Shallow Forests, Crumbled Towns
Offensives/Defenses- Headbuttes foes and limites their movement with sticky butter
Predators- Giant Ground Cyclops
The successor to Beet, these head butters stole their build and even improved on it, their heads covered in a sticky substance that goes flying. This substance becomes thicker and sticks to the skin, making movement constricting.
Hey, you know what they say, it isn't the original that owns the trademark, it's the one that does it better.
Enforce-Mint, Contain-Mint
**** Heath Seeker
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Size And Weight- 5.5m tall, 59km
Age- 200
Gender Ratio- 45/55
Body Type- Heath
Litter Count- 1-2
Build- A Heath Flower with 50 heads, all heads have 2 eyes and a spike protruding out their petals
Speed- 18kmph ( Main Body ), 1200kmph ( Heads )
Diet- Photosynthesis
Environment- Deep Forests, Ruined Cities
Offensives/Defenses- Fires homing heads as extreme speeds
Extremely dangerous, Heath Seekers originate from Fairytale Forest but have migrated to the Ruined Cities. Unlike its other Fairytale Forest Counterparts, Heath Seeker did go through evolution changes, cause lets be honest, why would they. It's sorta like how most Chompers didn't evolve to fit the Ruined Cities because they just moved from one forest to a bigger forest.
Now what do these plants do, you may ask ( If you played PVZ 2, you probably know ), they fire homing heads at 12000kmph. Their spikes are made of hard material and designed to penetrate through damn near anything.
They're so effective that not even Giant Ground Cyclops, the animal that is known for having basically an impenetrable hide and an animal that is known for hunting and eating Plants, don't want to smoke with them. To put in proper perspective, this Plant could kill an army, as long as they were in its attack radius of 250m, which is just a teensy bit hard to stay out of in an environment such as the Ruin Cities.
Spear-Mint, Enchant-Mint
Hurling Stickybomb Rice
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Size And Weight- 2.3m tall, 71kg
Age- 75
Gender Ratio- 40/60
Body Type- Rice Plant
Litter Count- 2-5
Build- ??? ( What are they even supposed to be, a rice stem, I generally don;t know what they are, apart from them being rice related ) Thick tail covered with rice
Like a crazed demo maniac, they hurl sticky bombs by wildly flailing their tail around. Once the bombs have found their target, they'll explode immediately, blowing potential predators to smithereens. Thankfully for them, they're guarded by a mucus that protects them from their own explosions, kinda like Doom Shrooms.