A summary of the many Plants which reside in the Ruin Cities and with over almanac 100 plants species who all share the clustered, overgrown Region that is The Ruined Cites, considered to the home of ambush predators, you'll find that these many pla...
I have finally caught up with where I am. These recents entries were pretty short, however, the p's, s's and t's have a lot of entries. That being said, these do take a lot of time. At best, they take 30 minutes, most take around an hour or 2 and the longest has taken exactly 6 hours and 7 minutes. I don't even know how I put that much time in a sketch. Combine this with the fact that I'm doing a lot of other things regarding my PVZ comic, primarily world building, releases will be a lot slower.
At the moment, I'm working on what was supposed to be a supplementary shorty story to the first chapter of my comic named The Well-Mannered Mercenary. I thought it would be around 5000 words, but I'm over half way though the draft and it's over 20 000 words. I also need to get quite a few illustrations done for it as well.
Olive Pit
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Size And Weight- 37.4m tall, 4.5t
Age- 1000
Gender Ratio- 50 ( Male )/50 ( Female )
Body Type- Olive
Litter Count- 1
Build- Shameless Sarlacc pit
Speed- 32kmph
Diet- Photosynthesis, Carnivorous
Environment- Deep Forests, Crumbled Cities
Offensives/Defenses- Very Sticky
Prey- Anything that falls in their mouth
Practically a living assortment of trap mechanisms, Olive Pits lie and wait for unsuspecting prey to walk straight over them. Once suitable prey has walked across the trap doors, composed of dirt which allows for a wide selection of greenery to grow over it, slides, dropping whoever had the misfortune of mistaking their trapdoor for a patch of grass.
The first layer of the innards is filled with an oily and slippery substance that makes the notion of gripping practically impossible and because their throat is similar in appearance and to a thick hide, it can be hard to penetrate their flesh with sharp objects.
When dropping, another door opens, sending them straight to their stomach. Now, their stomach acid isn't actually too deadly, but Olive Pits clearly took a page out of Gumnut Slug's book, because it is incredibly sticky. Once you're in, there's no getting out and struggling only sinks you deeper into their acid.
From there you have 2 options. Suffocate yourself in their stomach acid, or prey to the big man upstairs, that anyone is able to locate and kill or strike a deal of some kind to allow them spit you back out. That being said, assuming you are spat out, you're gonna need a skin graft if you want to remove that stomach acid.