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Bamboo Drill

Size And Weight- 1

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Size And Weight- 1.7m ( Including roots ), 147kg

Age- 80

Gender Ratio- 55 ( Male )/45 ( Female )

Body Type- Bamboo Shoot

Litter Count- 3-6

Build- A bamboo drill, literally, bumpy body, Drill top is shiny, bottom part is made of several thick roots

Speed- 50kmph

Diet- Photosynthesis

Environment- Deep Forests, Shallow Forests, Crumbled Towns


Offensives/Defences- Drill head


Predators- Army Ants, Giant Ground Cyclops


They may look small and unintimidating, make the mistake of touching them however, and you lose your entire hand. That drill on their head isn't for show. If any potential predator thinks of taking a bite of them, they'll end up showing at the family table with a bloody mess of a face.

Bamboo Drills also give you another reason to watch every step you take, because if you step on them, then you can kiss your foot goodbye, though in a world where Potato Mines exist, almost everyone knows that.



Bamboo Shoots

Size And Weight- 1

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Size And Weight- 1.5m tall, 77kg

Age- 70

Gender Ratio- 55/45

Body Type- Bamboo

Litter Count- 4-8

Build- Slender Bamboo holding a bamboo bazooka, black markings, giant eyes on both sides of the bazooka

Speed- 11kmph

Diet- Photosynthesis

Environment- Shallow Forests, Crumbling Towns, Outskirts

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