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Eggplant Ninja

Size And Weight- 1

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Size And Weight- 1.3m tall, 38kg

Age- 75

Gender Ratio- 50 ( Male )/50 ( Female )

Body Type- Eggplant

Litter Count- 2-5


Speed- 75kmph

Diet- Photosynthesis

Environment- Deep Forests, Shallow Forests


Offensives/Defenses- Can throw sharp shurikens, can hide their presence


Predators- Black Jaguar


A small plant similar to Night-Caps. As a part of the Conceal-Mint family, these plants can pull a Black Jaguar and erase their presence from existence.

Now they can't completely hide their existence, it's more like 90% which is more than enough to get past most Animals and Plants.



Electric Anemone Eel

Electric Anemone Eel

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Size And Weight- 3.3m long, 162kg

Age- 100

Gender Ratio- 50/50

Body Type- Eel

Litter Count- 2-5

Build- Knifefish ( Yes, Electric Eels are not true Eels and are more close to Catfish, making this Anemone Eel more of a Cat-Fish than Cattails. ) Bright pulsing blue,

Speed- 34kmph

Diet- Photosynthesis

Environment- Rivers, Flooded Forests


Offensives/Defenses- 800 '000 volts


Predators- Hmm... I wonder?

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