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I drive michael to the hospital and it was already like eight pm.

"I can't I can't do this." He says putting his head in his head.
"Its alright." I say trying to comfort him.

We were in the weirdest situation. I hit him with my car he tried to sue me now his friend gets shot and I'm driving him to th hospital.

I had a pretty bad reason to be speeding so I was pretty freaked out when I hit him I thought the people from the foster home might catch up with us.

"Laura it's alright I'm coming to get you." I told my sister trying to keep her calm.

"Its not fucking prison I don't know why I'm freaking out the people are just weird." Laura rambles trying to distract herself.

The people who adopted her kinda gave me the creeps. The father cut open dead animals and stuffed them for his young daughter eve and the mother was bipolar so I don't understand how they even gained custody of my sister.

The people from child services came to our house looking to take away me and my sister on account of my mother couldn't feed us. I lied and told them I was eighteen and I did look like I was. But my sister looked her age so they took her.

They didn't seem to know much about us considering they didn't even know Henry existed.

I told him to be quiet and go hide in our room while they took our sister away from us.

But it didn't last long cause I went and I guess you could say kidnapped her the next day and we still haven't heard anything from her recent guardians.

"We're here" I say pulling into a parking spot.

"Will you come in with me?" He asks and I nod following him into the hospital.

When we get inside two boys come towards us. "Weres luke?" Michael asks them.

"He- he's still in surgery they haven't been able to remove the bullet yet." The curly haired boy answers.

"We're did he got shot at who the he'll even did this?!"Michael says raising his voice.

"We still don't know who shot him." The brown headed boy speaks up.

"We're the hell did he get shot at?" Michael asks again.

The other two boys exchange glances before looking back to michael.

"In the head."

A/n yay more cliff hangers! I might update again today if I have time its like eight so I need food btw I no nothing about Australia so later in the story if I get something wrong please don't hate me.

Vote and all that stuff

Love lauren

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