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"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd just stop by and say hello." He laughs.

"Get out now-

"No you come in and close the fucking door!" Logan yells pointing a gun at me.

We walk in and shut the door.
I motion Samantha to stand behind me and she does the exact opposite.

She walks up to Logan and lifts the gun up to point at her head.
"Go ahead shot someone will hear it and you'll be arrested on the spot." She says.

I take a step forward trying to make my way towards her but I'm to late.

He pulls her back with one hand and points the gun at her head with the other.

"P-please don't." I stutter my whole body shaking as I make my way towards him.

"Don't move!" He yells.

I stop not wanting anything bad to happen. "We're are the others luke calum and ashton?" He asks.

Ashton? Did he leave?

"They didn't come with us." I explain.

"Shit." I hear him mumble.

"Well I guess will just have to wait then."


"H-hey calum we need you guys to come down here." I stutter into the phone.

"Um why did something-

"This is the police open up!"

"Michael what's going on?" Calum asks.

I don't get a chance to answer because the police come bursting through the door a few seconds later with ashton.

They pull Logan away from Sam and begin to put hand cuffs on him.

She runs over to me and hugs me then starts to sob into my chest.
"Its ok now." I tell her.

"Michael What the hell is happening!" Calum yells through the phone.

"I'll call back later." I say hanging up.

"Are you guys ok I'm sorry I left it's just-

"Ash it's ok you literally just saved us." I say pulling him in for a hug.



I wake up on the plane around 2:30 am. I was happy to be going home for once which was rare.

I hated my house it was disgusting but that's were my brother and sister were and i really wanted to see them.

"Why are you awake." Michael whispers. "I just couldn't sleep well." I tell him.

"Come here." He says opening his arms. I lean over and lay my head on his shoulder and let myself fall back asleep in his arms.


"Sammy!" Laura screams hugging me. "How dare you leave me alone with the with for so long." She giggles.

"I'm so sorry I was busy being held at gun point." I say walking inside and bringing my bags to our room.

"Oh my god you were not!" She gasps. "I was to." I say in the same shocked voice she used.

"How are you so calm?" She asks me. "I actually don't know." I reply while putting my clothes away.

"Girls come here!" My mum says walking inside.

We both walk into the kitchen and see our mum putting away groceries. Since when did she go shopping?

Shopping and babysitting was Laura's job and cooking and cleaning was mine.

My mother had nothing to do with house work.

"Well are you just gonna stand there or you gonna help me?" She asks.

We both walk forward and start putting things away. "I have good news." She begins. "I got a new job!"

"You gotta what?" I ask dropping the items in my hands.

Laura turns back looking just as surprised. "I got a job as a dental assistant you know when I was in college i-

"You never said anything about college this makes no sense." Laura says.

"Well do you girls not want food on the table and a roof over your heads!" She snaps. "Finsh putting away the groceries." She says walking to her room.

"Weres Henry?" I ask Laura.

"At school." She answers.

"Since when does henry go to school?" I ask.

"Since he got taken away." She cries running to our room.

Please vote and comment if you'd like. Also on one of my chapters I keep trying to edit mistakes but it won't let me if you know how please tell me.


Love lauren

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