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Michael and I went to the orphanage that Laura had got taken to hopeing that Henry had got taken to the same one.

"May I help you?" The women at the desk asks. "Um yes were looking for a Henry Gale." I tell her.

"I'm sorry miss he's already been put into a foster home." She replies  then starts typing on her computer.

"Oh well thank you for your time." I say walking out.

Michael chases after me and pulls me back by my shoulder. "Sam what are you doing don't you want to find him?" He asks looking confused.

"Look I want to but it's pointless were poor we can't give him a good life we can't get him an education they know were we live now anyway they just keep taking him." I say not noticing I was crying.

"Ok well it's your choice if you change your mind know that I will help you." He says pulling me in for a hug.

"Thank you."


My life was starting to get back to normal. Luke's shooter was locked up and now we could all sleep peacefully.

The only confusing thing was Samantha. We've kissed a couple times but that's not nessicarly a relationship and i really want her to be with me. I just don't know if she feels the same.

Maybe to her I'm just like a really really good friend that she can just kiss when she feels like it and then act like it never happend.

"Why is life so confusing?"

"What do you mean?" Calum asks walking in my room and sitting on the end of my bed.

Did he hear me.

"What?" I ask.

"You said why does like have to be so confusing so I asked what do you mean then you said what and i said you said why does-

"Ok ok I get it." I say cutting him off. "So?"

"Do you think Sam likes me?"

"Oh so that's what this is about." Calum grins.

"Shut up and help me." I plead trying to lay back but I end up hitting my head on the head bored.

Calum falls off the bed laughing and clutching his stomach.
"It wasn't that funny cal I say sitting up and rubbing my head.

"Right right so we were talking about Samantha." He says climbing back onto the bed.

"I don't know why your so worried she left country with you to go find sone phyco if that's not love I don't know what is." He says seriously nodding his head.

"Alright then, I guess I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend." I say sounding a little unsure.

"Mikkkkkeyyyyyyy." I hear luke call from across the hall. "Yes?!" I call back.

"I'm lonely come cuddle with me!" He whines. "But it's so far a-

I get cut off by Ashton stomping down  the hall. "Lucas Robert hemmings how dare you try to cuddle with some one else?" He asks in a serious tone yet a few seconds later he starts laughing like the rest of us.

"Dont laugh at me young man!" He says walking farther into Luke's room and slamming the door leaving me and calum to laugh our asses off.

Yay happy chapter!
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Love Lauren

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