Chapter 4 - Call me crazy

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⟡ POV Hongjoong ⟡

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POV Hongjoong

I put the scissors down from my hand, their clinking on the glass table filled the room. The ticking of the wall clock was like a constant companion in my ears. He would arrive soon. My new customer. The new model that I would dress for the next few weeks.
Jung Wooyoung.

I had read the papers about him. A handsome boy, a beautiful face, a seductive body. Each of his pictures that I saw filled me with new motivation and gave me new ideas. The tingling in my fingers, unbearable. I had to create something new.

The material in front of me, velvety and soft, layed there lifeless. I've been lacking the passion lately, the vision. With such a lifeless, boring piece of fabric in front of me, I didn't become a recognized famous designer. I had more to offer, my hands could do more magic.

I got up, adjusted my oversized fashionable colorful hat and made a fresh, warm pot of coffee for myself and my guests. My studio filled with mannequins, fabrics and colors. My big sewing machine was just waiting to finally be used again. I had hope that, thanks to my customer, I would finally be able to design magnificent pieces again.

My fashion pieces and collections were already known everywhere, but it was never enough, at least not for me. I tidied up a bit at the same time, trying to make a good impression. I jitterily danced from one foot to the other, nervously looking at the clock again and again. My constant fear of lack of time has plagued me for a long time. Time went by too quickly, the ticking in my ears a constant reminder.

Finally I heard the doorbell ring and I almost stumbled in my quick walk. I quickly straightened my clothes again, then opened the door and saw two young men in front of me.

One was wearing a light brown luxurious suit. His hair neatly slicked back. A beautiful soft face. The other one left me speechless.

A neat outfit that fit his well-built body perfectly. His blue hair was styled just right, with one strand hanging loosely in front of his forehead. His face as if painted. His eyes made me feel butterflies in my stomach. The tingling in my hands tripled and became almost unbearable.

It had to be him, Jung Wooyoung. A true beauty stood before me. Which gods did I have to thank for this gift?

The passion in my heart was ignited again, I felt the fire blazing within me. This was my new muse. I would make this boy my next masterpiece, maybe even my greatest yet.

I bowed slightly, unable to take my eyes off Wooyoung. I stepped aside, let my guests in and spoke in Korean. My mother language gave them perhaps a sense of familiarity and home in this for them new and unfamiliar country.
"Welcome, I hope you had a pleasant trip."

The blue-haired man in front of me gave me a smile, his eyes a little nervous. He bowed slightly and held out his hand to me. "I'm Jung Wooyoung, your new model. It's such a great honor for me to be able to work with you for the next few weeks. I am a big fan of your fashion and works."

I shook his hand and didn't want to let go because it was so soft.

"I'm Kim Hongjoong, I'm so glad," I introduced myself in a friendly manner, trying to relieve the younger man's fear and pressure.

Wooyoung nodded, pointing next to him and introduced the angelic face.
"This is Kang Yeosang, my manager. He takes care of all my business."
Yeosang also bowed slightly, introduced himself, shook my hand and emphasized his wish for a good cooperation.

"Please make yourself at home, I've made coffee if anyone wants. Why don't you sit at the table," I hastily offered to them and immediately fetched the pot with the still hot drink.
Yeosang nodded quickly, seemed impatient.
"Yes, a coffee would be heavenly, please. Thank you."

I immediately poured him the coffee, handed him the cup and sat down at the table with the two of them. The manager sipped the warm liquid with relish, as if he needed this more than anything else. I smiled broadly.

My gaze turned to Wooyoung again. I offered him something else to drink. A water or a tea. He politely declined, waving his hands nervously in front of him.

I then leaned back in the chair and looked my model up and down. Everything about his charisma was mesmerizing, everything about his posture beautiful.

My thoughts were circling, my fingers couldn't stand still. One idea after another flew to me. I felt truly inspired. I had to take advantage of that, no matter how strange it seemed to them. Although I was a genius, I was also a bit crazy in the eyes of others. A crazy genius. The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland was no different and hey I liked his fashion.

I quickly stood up and left the two young men sitting at the table, puzzled. Their eyes followed me curiously. I quickly grabbed my sketchbook, pencil and my fabric box. I returned to the table and laid everything out comfortably in front of me. The ticking in my ears became louder. My eyes focused on the book in my hands. I quickly started painting my thoughts. I sketched what came to my mind.

Silence filled the room. Wooyoung and Yeosang just watched me questioningly. After a while, Yeosang made his presence known after he and Wooyoung kept exchanging looks. He cleared his throat politely.

"Um, Mr. Kim... we actually wanted to talk about the future work for the -Umbrella- brand campaign, but if it's inconvenient, we can-"

I interrupted him loudly and shook my head quickly, my eyes not rising. My hand was still busy painting.
"No, it's alright! I just have so many ideas right now, I had to paint them right away. I'm very inspired by you Wooyoung," I said and looked deeply into his eyes. He looked at me in surprise, his cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. He was embarrassed, how sweet.

A quiet thank you escaped his beautiful lips. This sight. I quickly continued painting, overwhelmed by my own thoughts. It made my heart beat faster, my blood rush in my veins. Then I opened the small box with the many fabric samples and rummaged around in it. I pulled out a silky green piece of fabric that glittered in the light.

"May I just take a minute?," I asked impudently and got up from my chair. Wooyoung nodded, a little confused, also stood up, his body a little tense. I placed the green material against his skin and checked how the tone suited him. Then I shook my head, reached into my fabric box again and pulled out a dull green. I put this on Wooyoung's skin again, nodded contentedly, then took a measuring tape from the table and measured his sizes, his length, his width. I wrote everything neatly down next to the sketches.

When I was finished, I sat back down, stuck the fabrics in my sketchbook to the pages I had been working on, and took a deep breath. The tingling in my hands was better, the thoughts in my head were calmer. The ticking in my ears was still present, but no longer as annoying. I closed my sketchbook, placed it on the table in front of me and looked at the two people across from me. Wooyoung had also sat down again, elegantly placing one leg over the other. I leaned forward slightly, my elbows on the edge of the table. With a clearly visible grin on my lips, my hat a little askew, I finally said after almost 30 minutes, "So let's talk about business."

This boy in front of me was my salvation. My beautiful salvation.

What could possibly go wrong?

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