Chapter 8 - I don't like you

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⟡ POV San ⟡

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Tessa began to enlighten us about the details of the campaign. She was actually not the founder of -Umbrella-.

Her mother had built up this brand all by herself many years ago with a lot of effort. When she wanted to retire in another country, she left the company to her daughter. Tessa had been managing -Umbrella- for 6 years now, taking the brand further and helping it achieve the fame it enjoyed today.

She was in her mid-30s, had no children, no partner. She dedicated all her time and life to her mother's work and dream. She seemed happy, it didn't seem like it was forced on her. But we couldn't know exactly what was going on behind the scenes. Only Tessa and her mother knew.
I listened to her high and pleasant voice, absorbed all the impressions, devoured her words.

But something was burning in the back of my mind. The blue-haired man kept looking at me with secret glances. He thought I wouldn't notice. He thought wrong.

The little dispute from before was still haunting me in my head. His manner was cocky, he looked like problems, like a big  challenge.

When I came into the room with Jongho and my eyes saw him, it probably took my breath away for a moment. No amount of research, no picture or description of the world could have prepared me for this. He was beautiful. There was something seductive, playful and yet mysterious about him.

My first impression was blown away when I saw this annoying and obnoxious side of Jung Wooyoung. An conceited model with no experience who made a big impression. He would make this job very difficult for me, hopefully not trying to steal the spotlight from me, otherwise he would get to know a different side of me that I didn't like to show.

I didn't want to be like that, I didn't want any competition. I wanted harmony and peace. But if the blue-haired man wanted a fight, he should get it.

It was clear who would be the winner, right?

Tessa placed a folder on the table for both parties. I grabbed it gratefully, opened it, and let Jongho take a look.
It was a folder filled with appointments and descriptions of things that needed to be done. In addition to photoshoots and appearances at several fashion events, I was also expected in many interviews. Every day was full, well planned. The hard weeks full of work now sank in and made me really feel the importance of this assignment.

My eyes quickly flew over the agenda, taking in the information and letting me internalize it. Jongho read along spellbound, exuding a certain professionalism.

The younger one, who was previously sitting relaxed in the car and whose focus was on a cell phone game, seemed to have been replaced. This was one of Jongho's countless talents. He knew when things were serious, when he had to appear professional. Two different personalities, between which he bounced back and forth like on a trampoline.

That's why he was a good manager, the best.

"I know it seems like a lot at first, but please don't let it unsettle you. Every day is planned meticulously and you will be accompanied and supported the whole time by your and my team. If you have any questions, just let me know. I try to be available to you at any time, and I'll try to free up my schedule if there are any problems. Even if I'm busy and have other appointments or things to do, this campaign is my biggest priority. I wouldn't have chosen you and your agencies from the countless options I had, if I wasn't convinced that you two would be the best fit for this," Tessa said reassuringly after giving us some time to inspect the folders. Her words like a balm to my nervous heart.

Wooyoung's manager, with the face of an angel, spoke up. His words were formal, his voice surprisingly deep.
"What about the safety of our models? We haven't met any fans or paparazzi yet because we were traveling incognito, but that will definitely change in the next few weeks when everyone finds out we're here."

That was a good question, he was right. I noticed Wooyoung shaking his leg nervously. The reality from this point of view also made me a little uncomfortable. Although I hadn't been under contract with -Gentleman- for that long, I could always feel the curious eyes of the press and fans weighing on me. My level of popularity wasn't high, my fan base was small but strong. But this campaign could push completely new boundaries.

My agency had sent along a few bodyguards and security people if needed, but would this be enough?

Tessa nodded, her look a little more serious, something worried but confident in her eyes.

"In the next few days or even hours, word will have gotten around, that's true. I will of course also provide you with security personnel. Your apartments are equipped with external cameras and alarm systems. Your safety is my top priority, please believe me ."

Yeosang, visibly satisfied with the answer, nodded.
Tessa tapped the papers in front of her and then pointed out at our folders.

"The day after tomorrow I will be holding a big press event in which I will publicize the future campaign and cooperation with your two agencies. You will of course be there when the news explodes. It could be that many reporters will also ask you questions, be ready. The press is merciless and mean. They will tear you to pieces at the slightest spark of insecurity."

Her laugh didn't match what she said.

A small shiver ran across my skin. I was used to the press and reporters, not my first dance with them, but it would take on a completely different dynamic with another model at my side. Would we help each other or drag each other into the abyss?

After we had clarified all the questions and discussed all the details, Tessa gave us her phone number and contact details. She emphasized loudly that she or her secretary, the young girl with the clipboard from before, were available for us at any time.
Once again she thanked us very much, said goodbye, enthusiastically expressed her excitement for the next few weeks and said,  "We are going to create something big, this will go down into the history books."

All four of us were led out of the room to the entrance of the building again.

Jongho addressed Yeosang, adjusted his clothes and held out his hand.

"To good cooperation, Mr. Kang."

Yeosang shook his hand with a smile, his head tilted slightly. The handshake lasted a little too long for my liking, before they let go of each other. Strange.

I looked at the person in front of me. Wooyoung, no hint of nervousness left on his face anymore, his body relaxed and he had a whole new mask on.

I cleared my throat briefly, took a few steps forward, his perfume hung pungently in my nose. I put on my best smile, trying not to let my distaste for the whole thing show.

I also stretched out my hand, wanting to start the path on harmonious stones, even if it was fake.

Wooyoung looked at my hand, snorted briefly, grinned from ear to ear and ran a hand through his hair, which fell magically back into perfect shape.

He crossed his arms over his chest and left me waiting. My smile cracked, my patience dangled by a thread, my facade crumbled.
The bold and spiteful words that came out of his mouth lit a fire in me, made me forget my good intentions and lower my hand.

"You won't be part of this campaign for long anyway, so I don't need to get used to you."

Cheeky. Such a brat. Impolite.

Everything in me just loathed him...

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