Chapter 7 - Fire and water

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⟡ POV Wooyoung ⟡

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POV Wooyoung

So here I stood. In the waiting room of the headquarters of the cosmetics and fashion brand -Umbrella- .

I paced nervously back and forth with my arms crossed in front of me. Yeosang, who was sitting calmly and thoughtfully in one of the chairs in the room, cleared his throat loudly and patted on the chair next to him.

"Woo please come and sit down. You don't need to be so nervous and besides that, this doesn't make a good impression. Please be professional."

His look was stern, but also compassionate. He knew how I felt, but always kept a cool head and thought about work. It was a good thing, it brought me back to the reality. It grounded me. I sat down next to him, straightened my pants and my top.

I bounced my leg and played with my black-painted fingernails.

Yeosang always radiated something calm and made me relax more. His presence alone was enough to make my heart feel a little lighter.

The large door to the waiting room opened and a young girl wearing a pencil skirt and blouse entered. She looked at her clipboard, looked at us and smiled.

"Please follow me, Ms. Lilia is now ready for you."

We both stood up with a slight bow, a thank you and followed the young girl through the corridors of the large building. She opened the door to a new room and let us in.
The room was large and luxuriously furnished. I immediately noticed the expensive-looking decorations and the large windows. My eyes wandered to a large, magnificent desk where a woman was sitting. She immediately stood up and greeted us warmly.

"Welcome, I hope you had a good trip! Please sit down," she said and shook our hands.

She was pretty. Her long black hair was tied back in a braid. She wore a tight-fitting dark blue dress and silver jewelry sparkled on her neck and wrists. Her blue eyes reminded me of the sea, her lips shaped into a smile. She had a few freckles on her nose.

Me and Yeosang sat down on the chairs opposite the big desk. I immediately noticed the other two chairs next to us, that were still empty.

"It is such a great honor for us to be here Ms. Lilia, we look forward to a good collaboration," Yeosang spoke politely and put on the friendliest smile he had.

I just nodded in agreement, stayed quiet for now and watched how the meeting would develope.

"Oh please call me Tessa, I'm looking forward to it too."

"Oh, sorry, we haven't really introduced ourselves yet. I'm Kang Yeosang, manager of-", he was interrupted by Tessa.

"Jung Wooyoung. I know everything about you two and your agency, otherwise I wouldn't have hired you. You look even more breathtaking in real life, than in all the photos I saw of you."

I blushed a little, feeling flattered. I finally spoke up.

"Thank you very much, you flatter me."

She giggled softly, leaning back in her large leather chair, which made a soft squeak. "Please talk freely with me, not so formal. I want us to be able to talk to each other easily. Don't be afraid, I won't bite."

I laughed slightly, nodded and we were very satisfied with the informal manner.

We talked a little bit about the journey, about us or her, just little things, nothing important, nothing business-related. I showed myself from the best side. Something told me that she was trying to buy some more time.
My guess was correct because after a few minutes there was a knock on the door and two strangers entered.

One is a little smaller, in a stunning gray suit, brown hair combed back, a round, good-looking face.

The other one... a Greek god.

Fiery red hair, sharp facial features, defined eyes, muscular body that was still easy to recognize under the fine clothes. With a broad smile, his cute dimples became visible.

Damn, I'm screwed. This had to be the other model.

Yeosang had told me a little bit on the way here. I had calmed his conscience, reassured him that I wasn't angry with him. Yeosang had apologized dozens of times, emphasizing how much he regretted not telling me about the second model earlier. His words were meant kindly, I knew that. I couldn't be mad at Yeosang for too long.

Nevertheless, I sat here, saw this Adonis in front of me and my mouth went dry. I pinched myself in the thigh, trying to stay calm, to stay in the present. I had to be confident. I couldn't let myself be intimidated.

Tessa stood up again enthusiastically, stretched out her hand to the two new ones, greeted them just as warmly as she had greeted us a few minutes before. The two sat down in the previously reserved seats.

The redhead looked so elegant, so graceful, flawless. My fear was bubbling up inside me, but now wasn't the right time for it. Yeosang noticed my slight tension, put his hand unnoticed on my leg, giving me security and safety. I was grateful. What would I do without him?

The brown-haired man politely introduced himself and his companion. His tone calming and serious. He had a beautiful voice.

"I am Choi Jongho. This one next to me is Choi San. I am his manager and we are from the -Gentleman- agency. We are deeply pleased to be able to take part in this campaign."

Tessa seemed extremely happy and introduced herself and us.
When my name was mentioned, I noticed how the red-haired man, Choi San, was staring at me.

There was something stubborn, piercing, even dangerous in his gaze. The smile on his lips didn't reach his eyes and this worried me to be honest. The tension in the room was thick. I tried not to give in, holding his gaze. He looked me up and down, I noticed something judgmental. I didn't like that. The raising of one of his eyebrows finished me off and I was suddenly very annoyed.

Choi san seemed conceited. That was unkind. Very disrespectful.
What could he think of looking at me like that, judging me like that, making me feel like that?

Yes, it seemed like he was looking down on me. I wouldn't put up with that.

I elegantly crossed one leg over the other, folded my hands on my knee, lifted my chin. He should see that I didn't just let myself be folded up like a piece of paper.
I copied his look, looked provocatively at his clothes, at his body, which I had raved about earlier, and then averted my gaze with a soft click of my tongue. He shouldn't feel so exalted. I would knock him off his high horse, just wait and see.

Visibly irritated, the red-haired man clenched his hands into a fist under the table.

A small grin flashed across my lips, a small victory for me that I enjoyed to the fullest.

Choi Jongho, who probably sensed the tension between the two of us, coughed audibly and turned to Tessa.

"So let's talk about business, shall we?"

Tessa nodded happily, clapped her hands in motivation, fortunately she hadn't noticed our silent discussion.
We all turned our gaze to her. She opened various folders that were neatly organized on her desk and pulled out several pieces of paper.

Immersed in her preparation, the silence and the waiting in the room, I caught another glimpse of the redhead. He didn't even look at me. His eyes focused on Tessa, his look serious. I didn't like him, his attitude, everything in me fought back. My stomach did somersaults.

We couldn't be more different. Like fire and water.

Would the steam rise soon and cause an explosion?

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