Chapter 3 - New Home

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⟡ POV Wooyoung ⟡

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POV Wooyoung

I opened the door to my new home for the next four weeks. It was a small two-room apartment that my agency rented for me. After arriving at the airport, we drove straight here to get settled in and ready.
Yeosang got his own small two-room apartment next door. It probably looked exactly the same.

I closed the wooden door behind me, put down my heavy bag and looked around. It was a comfortably furnished apartment.

The furniture was bathed in a light gray, the walls were a bright white and the floor had shiny black tiles. I looked a bit around my new retreat. The kitchen was small, but had everything it needed. Square windows with curtains let in the sunlight, which bathed the small wooden kitchen table with two equally wooden chairs in a soft orange. Luckily, the bathroom had a shower and a surprisingly large bathtub. I looked at everything closely and could already feel the anticipation bubbling up inside me.

Then I quickly went to my new bedroom, where my team had delivered my suitcases to.
The room wasn't particularly big, but it exuded a cozy, soothing atmosphere. The single bed was filled with various pillows and I had a large wardrobe.

It's still not big enough, I thought to myself.

A large shiny mirror with lighting immediately caught my eye. I looked at my appearance and tugged dissatisfied at my clothes. My hair was a bit disheveled, my face showed clear signs of tiredness, which came out of a long flight and the emerging nervousness.

I looked at the clock and walked into the hallway. In about an hour and a half, Yeosang would pick me up so we could meet Kim Hongjoong. I quickly unpacked one of my countless suitcases, which was initially very messy. I can clean up later. My new room is already a mess of clothes and personal stuff. Sorry new room, I'll dedicate myself to you later.

I took off my clothes from the flight, they joined the chaos. I quickly jumped into the shower, felt completely at home, and didn't mourn my old one for a second. This was a new beginning, a new experience and I was more than open to experiencing it. The cold water slid over my whole body, gave me a little goosebumps, but woke me and my tired eyes up. I washed myself thoroughly, conditioned my hair and then stepped out. A small cupboard housed towels and other small hygiene items. The large towel quickly warmed my cold body and I looked at my pretty face in the mirror above the sink.

My eyes now made a somewhat more lively impression, my skin was flawless and my hair hung down, perfectly framing my facial features.
"A wet dream", I laughed slightly at my own ambiguous joke. I found a small, comfortable hairdryer in the cupboard and immediately started drying my hair, styling it at the same time.

I quickly returned to my bedroom. My gaze swung back and forth between two outfits. Time was short, so I quickly slipped into the outfit of my final choice.

 Time was short, so I quickly slipped into the outfit of my final choice

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(Imagine this outfit with his currently blue dyed hair)

It was a simple outfit.
A pair of gray jeans, a white belt, a white top. A gray jacket framed the whole look and I put a pair of sunglasses on my head, that held my hair back a bit. Elegant, simple and yet fashionable. After all, I wanted to make a good impression on my future stylist. I took my black bag and pulled it over my shoulder.

Another look into the large mirror brought a smile to my lips. I looked good. As always.

My feet carried me into the living room. There I sat down on the comfortable couch, ready to be picked up. In front of the couch there was a small glass table and in front of it was a large wall-mounted television. The floor was adorned with a round, fluffy black carpet. With a little love, time and decoration, this apartment would become a beautiful place to feel safe, good and at home.

I dug my phone out of my pocket, checked my messages, my social media and relaxed for the remaining minutes until a loud ringing of the door made me jump up. I got up, opened the door and saw my beloved cousin.

"Are you ready? Can we go?", Yeosang asked with a quick look behind me into the apartment.

"Of course, I've been finished for a long time. I thought you would be late this time", I replied cheekily and stepped out of the door, closing it behind me. "Keep dreaming Woo, me and too late don't fit in the same sentence."

I giggled slightly, feeling Yeosang's gaze on my clothes.
"What is it? Doesn't that look good?", a slight uncertainty can be heard in my voice. The opinions of others were far too important to me; they were the consequences of a past that I would probably never forget. My eyes sought confirmation from Yeosang and he quickly shook his head. His eyes softened, he placed a hand on my shoulder, choosing his words carefully. "No, you look very good, really. I was just surprised at this elegant choice of clothing."

Reassured, I nodded slowly and placed my hand on Yeosang's. My style was more comfortable, more cool and more oversize. I attached importance to jewelry and hairstyle, to small details that completed my look. But I could carry almost anything. A lot of things suited me and flattered my body, but I still had preferences.

We left, were picked up by our team's car and driven to the famous stylist's studio.
Yeosang is again writing diligently and concentratedly in his notebook. I playfully nudged his shoulder with my finger. He shook me off and just cleared his throat in annoyance. I tapped him again.
My voice like a melodic whisper "Yeo〜"

He closed his notebook in annoyance, looked at me and raised his eyebrow. "What?"

"I need attention", I emphasized cutely, looking at him with the biggest googly eyes in the world. My secret weapon. My lips formed into a small pout, my eyelashes curled beautifully with every blink. My sparkling eyes practically begged the older one.

"You're not a child anymore Woo, stop this nonsense. That doesn't work for me and besides, you're getting enough attention from enough people in these four weeks."

Yeosang rolled his eyes and gently flicked my forehead. I hissed briefly in pain, rubbed my forehead and then wrapped my arm tightly around Yeosang. I snuggled up to him. "But I like it best when you pay attention to me."

"Then you're just unlucky", he said with a grin, leaving me to sulk. He went back to his notebook and wrote more things in it.

My cousin can't relax for a second, my goodness. He really needs a one night stand or something like that. Maybe then he would be more relaxed and no longer have a stick up his ass.

I sighed, looked out the window, my head still leaning against Yeosang. "How is your apartment?", I asked him casually.

He didn't look up, was still writing. "It's okay, it'll be enough for these four weeks", he answered passively.

The car's engine made a soothing sound in my ears. The cars passing by on the street are a quick game for my eyes. I liked my apartment, I would make myself comfortable. Maybe I should have a housewarming party once I've finished setting everything up.
That's a good idea.

I didn't even know yet how much of a bad idea that was...

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